AMUS, A Rescue Center For Endangered Animals

AMUS, a rescue center for endangered animals

In 2017, this NGO rescued around 1,400 wild animals and restored freedom to around 1,000 of them. However, limited support from the regional government can bankrupt this important institution. Meet AMUS!

In Spain, there are several recovery centers, both public and private, that rescue wildlife.

However, few of them are as well known as AMUS (Action for the Wild World). But this NGO, founded in 1995, is in danger.

The activity of a rescue center like AMUS

AMUS carries out its wildlife rescue activity through a veterinary hospital in which dozens of professionals work.

There, they try to save any injured wild animals that reach the center, located in Villafranca de los Barros, a small village.

When they recover, thanks to the hospital’s facilities and the staff’s wisdom, the animals are returned to their natural habitat.

That’s when many children and young people gather to watch his release, while some politicians take the opportunity to promote themselves and take pictures.

AMUS, vital for the nature of the Iberian Peninsula

This center has served as a place for school visits in Extremadura, with the aim of educating the new generations.

In addition, they always seek to make the population aware of nature protection. Thus, its bankruptcy would be even more disastrous for the region.

The training of thousands of veterinarians and other professionals and scientists would not be possible without AMUS.

This center is a place where professionals from all over Europe can learn about the rehabilitation and conservation of the continent’s most endangered birds.

bird being released into the wild

AMUS professionals spent two decades working to maintain the nature of Extremadura.

Today, ecotourism and bird watching are very important to the economy of this region thanks to AMUS, although many doubt it.

A rescue center with conservation projects

However, the rescue center in Extremadura did not settle for just rescuing injured animals.

In its 23-year history, AMUS has initiated numerous endangered species conservation projects.

vulture eating carrion

Another example of the relentless task of AMUS and other rescue centers is the campaigns to protect the hides of the pale and red-headed eagles.

These birds lay their eggs in the cereal fields, which puts them in danger due to agriculture.

This rescue center has also managed to place GPS on numerous endangered species, such as the golden eagle.

In addition, they have several unrecoverable specimens of endangered species. This allows them to maintain the species’ reproduction and then release them.

AMUS is running out of funding

Months ago, the NGO warned the government of Extremadura about its current situation.

The preservation center needs 150,000 euros a year, but the government has provided only 10% of that figure, according to the AMUS administration.

In 2017, AMUS rescued almost 1,400 wild animals, of which almost a thousand were able to return to nature. A very good percentage for any recovery center.

How to help a rescue center?

There are many ways to collaborate with AMUS and other NGOs that protect animals.

The #SalvemosAMUS campaign was launched on social networks to remind the government of Extremadura the importance of the entity.

Typically,  these rescue centers work with sponsorships, donations and volunteers.  If you’ve ever wanted to help protect animals, maybe this is a good opportunity.

You can find out more about how to collaborate on the institution’s website.

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