Answers To Frequently Asked Questions About Leishmaniasis

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about leishmaniasis

Today we are going to address a very serious topic. Something that worries pet owners, especially those who own dogs. It is leishmaniasis, a disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes and in most cases can be fatal.

It is also known as the “mosquito disease”. Symptoms can be very varied and change according to the animal. However, you have to be very careful as it can still hit humans.

If you didn’t know or had never heard of leishmaniasis before, or if you have any questions about the disease, then we will answer the most frequently asked questions about this disease.

What is leishmaniasis?

Leishmaniasis is a disease of parasitic origin that affects dogs, but humans can also contract it.

It can be cutaneous or visceral, the second being of great severity, as, depending on the dog, it can affect different organs and have a fatal outcome.

It is a chronic disease, which has no cure, and that is why it is vital that the diagnosis is made as soon as possible.

What are the symptoms?


The symptomatology changes a lot in each animal, depending on the breed, age or genetic history.

Usually, the symptoms presented by dogs with leishmaniasis are loss of coat on some parts of the body, sores on the edges of the ears, conjunctivitis, diarrhea, bloody appearance in the urine, etc.

It may also be the case that the dog’s nails grow considerably, he has wounds that don’t heal, or he has significant weight loss.

If your dog has any of these problems, take him to the vet urgently.

It is still possible that a dog with leishmaniasis does not show clear symptoms and appears to be a healthy dog, so it is vital that the dog undergoes regular veterinary checks.

How to prevent leishmaniasis?

The best way to prevent illness is by controlling our pet.

The key is that your dog does not have contact with the mosquito that transmits leishmaniasis.

To prevent this from happening, it is best to always keep the pet inside the house and go out only for daily walks. Especially in the summer months.

Inside the house, use repellents against this type of insect, since it can enter your house and bite your pet.

It would also be advisable to screen the windows to reduce the possibility of these mosquitoes entering. Also avoid having wetlands at home, since the mosquito that transmits the disease loves this type of place.

Is there a vaccine?


The answer is yes, but as long as your dog is healthy.

It is very important that you give your dog the vaccine  against this disease, so your little friend’s immune system will immediately recognize the parasite and your body will have the necessary weapons to defend itself.

If your dog has already been vaccinated and is bitten by the mosquito, he will not get the disease.

It is necessary to apply  three doses in the first year of life and then an annual injection, which will act as a reminder to the body.

It is only possible to apply the vaccine to healthy puppies over six months of age.

Females that are in the process of pregnancy are not vaccinated. Also, it is advisable that you protect your pet with a collar or even applying some external remedy against parasites.

Is there any treatment?

If your dog has contracted leishmaniasis, don’t despair. Not everything is lost.

There are treatments that can improve your pet’s quality of life and reduce the symptoms of the disease.

There are cases of dogs that lived many years after the disease was detected, despite not being completely free from possible relapses.

Are there races that are free from contracting the disease?

Yes. Breeds such as the Podengo Ibicenico and the Andaluz are immune to the disease.

The reason is very simple. They are dogs that have lived for a long time in areas where this type of mosquito is abundant, they have developed a defense mechanism, which is why these breeds are protected against the disease.

Does the disease affect humans?

The answer is yes, however, not because they are contaminated from dogs, but because they are also bitten by a mosquito.

More specifically, by a female mosquito. This occurs in people with weak immune systems. However, the most common is that the disease only appears as an irritation on the skin.

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