Burma Sacred Cat

Burma sacred cat

Maybe you haven’t heard of the Sacred Burma cat yet, but if we tell you it’s a commonly white feline with blue eyes, you probably already know what species we’re talking about. Want to know more about this beautiful animal?  We’ll talk more about this pussy below.

Check out some information about the Sacred Cat of Burma.

Meet the Sacred Cat of Burma

history and origin 

There is a legend that seems to explain the origin of the Sacred Cat of Burma. It says that centuries ago, the people of Khmer built a temple that would be used to worship a golden goddess with sapphire eyes called Tsun-Kyan-Kse.

The priest who took care of the temple was called Mun-Tem and spent a lot of time in front of the goddess, kneeling and, next to him, Sinh, the  temple cat. In one night, some assailants murdered Mun-Tem. Sinh the cat straddled him but didn’t take his eyes off the golden goddess. As he did so, his fur took on a golden color, his eyes a sapphire blue, and his paws took on the color of the earth.

Legend still says that  all the cats in the  temple underwent the same transformation,  and that just seven days after Sinh died, he took the priest’s soul to heaven.

How the Sacred Cat from Burma arrived in Europe

Apparently,  a priest gave a couple of these cats to some English travelers, to thank them for saving his life on one occasion. Unfortunately, the male died on the trip, but the female was pregnant.

Burma's sacred cats

Source: D.maillard

The first specimens of the Sacred Burma cat in European territory were seen in France, where it was recognized as a breed in 1925. After World War II, the breed almost disappeared, as only one couple remained, and even with difficulties, the cat Burma Sacred continued to exist.

Physical characteristics

  • Size. Medium in size but with strong composition
  • Head. It is wide and strong, without being too round or too sharp.
  • Eyes. Large and round, sapphire colored and somewhat oblique
  • Body. Elongated and due to its strong composition, we could say it is semi-heavy
  • Tail. It is of medium length, but with a lot of hair density and very long
  • By. Medium, with a silky texture
  • Colors. The accepted colors for the Burmese Sacred Cat are white to cream, with a somewhat golden hue on the back, and always the ends of the paws will be white. Darker or mottled colors are not accepted as a pedigree.

Burma Sacred Cat Personality

Despite the independent reputation that felines have, the Sacred Burma cat is very sociable and very easy to be domesticated. A pussy you can trust and a calm personality.  All those who have one define them as loving, faithful and good companions.

They’re not just one person’s cats, and when they look for pampering, if they don’t find them in one specific person, they’ll look in another. They always respond when called and are affectionate and tender. They are moderately active, this may help them to do a little exercise through play.

Something that characterizes them is that they maintain eye contact with their owners, an uncommon virtue in the animal world. In fact,  the Sacred Burma cat is more compared to dogs than to cats.

Special care and health

It is important to take good care of your fur, brushing it daily, it will not require more care than this.

It is good to know that some individuals usually suffer a change in a gene that affects the optic nerve, and that, in addition, for other reasons, they can also suffer from cataracts.

Are you already thinking about adopting a Sacred Burma cat as a pet? Well do it! We are sure you will not regret it.

Source of images: Claudia Zaino and D.maillard.

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