Can A Dog Get Skin Cancer? Why?

Not only older dogs can suffer from this, as excessive exposure to the sun can also affect puppies. Although the treatment is effective in most cases; this disease can claim the life of the pet.
Can a dog get skin cancer?  Why?

Sometimes we believe that our pets’ fur is enough to protect their skin  from any external agents that could harm them; but unfortunately a dog can get skin cancer. It doesn’t matter what race or age he is, anyone can suffer from this disease.

What is skin cancer?

We must remember that every living thing has cells that get damaged and die; but which are replaced by others. The problem arises when these  damaged cells, instead of dying, begin to reproduce unchecked  and cause cancer.

When there are too many of them, they clump together and form a  lump  called a tumor, which can alert us that there is cancer and that something is not going right. There are two types of tumors: benign and malignant.

The former are located in a single area and do not affect other areas or other tissues; while the malignant ones can spread, a process known as metastasis. The sun can alter melanin; substance that we have on the skin and that has a protective function. The same thing happens to our pets.

Can a dog get skin cancer?

Yes, and this is more frequent than we think, and the most known in dogs is the  mast cell. Even so, benign tumors can also appear that will not have great repercussions on the animal and that, as a rule; are located in fat areas of the body.

skin cancer in dogs

While  we may believe that cancer affects older dogs, these aren’t the only ones who can get it;  because there were even cases in puppies. The problem is that, as mentioned earlier, we believe that fur is sufficient to protect dogs’ skin and that they can inadvertently expose themselves to the sun.

Sometimes we see people walking their pets in the hottest hours; others leave their pets on terraces or balconies. Exposing them to the sun in this way will only increase a dog’s chances of getting skin cancer.

Depending on the breed, a dog’s propensity  for skin cancer  can increase. These are the most prone breeds:

  • pug
  • Bulldog
  • labrador
  • Weimar Arm

Symptoms of Skin Cancer in Dogs

To determine if your dog has skin cancer, you should check for any of these symptoms:

  • nodules on the skin
  • Thicker than normal skin
  • unhealed wounds
  • Weight loss
  • lameness
  • Lethargy
  • Difficulty breathing and taking care of your needs


câncer de pele em cães

Canine Skin Cancer Treatment

Veterinary oncology has come a long way; that is why cancer treatment is successful in most cases. Tumor removal is the method of choice  to eradicate this heinous enemy that can claim your pet’s life; but depending on the type of tumor, other alternatives could be suggested.

It is possible that in many cases chemotherapy or radiotherapy is considered necessary; to completely eliminate any trace left by the malignant cells. It is important that you grope your dog and that; any changes in your body or behavior, go to the veterinarian.

It is not possible to prevent cancer; but in the case of skin cancer we can prevent the animal from having a sun exposure greater than necessary and, above all; in the central hours of the day (between 10am and 4pm).

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