Can Birth Control Pills Affect The Health Of Cats?

We will answer the question whether birth control pills affect the health of cats and why… Beware of abuse and its side effects!
Can birth control pills affect the health of cats?

Although neutering pets is the best way to prevent reproduction, some pet owners opt for other less drastic alternatives, such as birth control pills. In this article, we’ll talk about whether they can affect the health of cats.

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Sometimes, owners don’t want their pets to have puppies, but they don’t decide to neuter or neuter. In other cases, an animal health problem – for example, a heart problem – precludes surgery, however simple.

It is in these cases that veterinarians recommend an alternative treatment: the so-called “contraceptive pills” similar to those taken by women.

These drugs are administered orally and whose objective is to prevent female dogs or cats from becoming pregnant, preventing the onset of heat and ovulation due to their large contribution of progestin.

For the pills to be effective, it is very important to follow the treatment to the letter.   In other words, do not forget any dose and respect the intake days indicated by the veterinarian.

The best way to administer the pill is to hide it in food, even better if it is soft food (cheese, pate, tuna, moist food). That way, we will ensure that it will be completely consumed.

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Contraceptive injections are another alternative to prevent reproduction; these are administered by the veterinarian with the frequency considered appropriate. The downside of this treatment is that we must take the cat to the clinic at least once a month while we don’t want her to have puppies.

Does taking birth control pills pose health risks to cats?

As we can assume, a treatment based on synthetic hormones should not be good for our pet, especially if it is kept for a long period of time.

Birth control pills should be administered as a last resort. That is, when the animal cannot be neutered, as it can have harmful effects on the cats’ health.

One of the main consequences is that its consumption significantly increases the possibility of developing malignant tumors or cancer of the breast or uterus, due to hormonal imbalance in the reproductive system.

In turn, these pills also increase the likelihood that the animal will suffer different infections, especially in the uterus – which is known as the pyometra level – and urinary. Abusive use of this medication can also cause severe bleeding.

Does taking birth control pills pose health risks to cats?

Not only is the health of the cats affected, but also their behavior; predisposes the animal to a sedentary life, not wanting to play or not being as active as before and becoming anxious about food (resulting in excess weight). There are also cases of pets with great hair loss outside the moulting season.

It should be noted that this method of contraception is not 100% effective and can lead to irregular cycles that also result in pregnancy. The riskiest thing about this is that it puts the life of the cat and her cubs at risk.

Some puppies can be born with malformations or die within hours. For the mother, having lifeless babies in her womb can also be fatal, as it is more difficult to give birth to them.

Birth control pills can have many harmful effects on the health of cats, so they are only recommended as a last resort when neutering is not feasible.

In addition, it is not advisable to carry out this treatment for a very long time, and it is necessary to follow up with periodic visits to the veterinarian to analyze the animal’s condition.

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