Can Dogs Eat Vegetables?

Dogs are facultative carnivores that can incorporate vegetables into their diet to obtain the necessary antioxidants and fiber.
Can dogs eat vegetables?

The question of whether dogs are carnivores or omnivores has been a matter of debate. Depending on the sources consulted, you may have one opinion or another. So the question arises: dogs can or cannot eat vegetables.

Are dogs carnivores or omnivores?

Dogs are mammals that belong to the Canidae family . Within this family, different types of animals can be found, such as the wolf ( Canis lupus ), the jackal ( Canis aureus ), the coyote ( Canis latrans ) or the dingo ( Canis lupus dingo ), among others.

Members of the Canidae family   share a number of characteristics:

  • They are digitigrade, walk on the toes.
  • They have powerful teeth.
  • Their claws are not retractable or sharp and they don’t use them in hunting.
  • They have a strong coat.
  • There is a social hierarchy among those who live in groups.

Of all of them, the only ones that went through a process of domestication were dogs. Therefore, dogs are domestic mammals involved in hunting, herding or protecting tasks. Currently, there are over 500 different breeds of dogs.

Although it was originally a carnivorous animal, some now consider it an omnivorous animal. However,  the dog is an optional carnivore. This means that they have carnivorous characteristics, although they are able to assimilate nutrients such as carbohydrates.

Among these features are sharp teeth such as premolars, tusks and molars. There are also other characteristics, such as the length of the intestine or the type of intestinal flora, which favor the fermentation of nutrients.

Also,  each breed of dog has its own peculiarities. Therefore, it is convenient to remember that, due to the intestinal flora, some breeds tolerate nutrients better than others.

Can dogs eat vegetables?

Due to their domestication, dogs are known to be able to assimilate many plant-based nutrients. For this reason they are able to eat and digest vegetables.

In their natural habitat, dogs would feed exclusively on meat, it pieces of meat, offal, muscle or bone. However, domestic dogs can have a more varied diet.

Dog food contains a high percentage of carbohydrates, which lowers its cost. So more people can feed their dogs.

This means a decrease in the nutritional quality of the dog’s diet. For this reason, alternative diets to feed, such as the BARF diet, are proposed.

Are dogs carnivores or omnivores?

The BARF diet proposes the following: feed dogs or other domestic animals with totally raw products. Thus, depending on the animal, products that provide the most adequate nutrients for its development will be included.

In dogs, this would consist of the contribution of protein and fat products. And, to a lesser extent, in the administration of products that provide fatty acids, minerals and vitamins.

Therefore,  dogs can eat vegetables and fruits, although it is not known if they are able to fully assimilate them. Furthermore, no studies were found that reflect the complete assimilation of nutrients.

It is believed that, in the past, dogs acquired the contribution of fruits and vegetables from the stomach of their prey. These foods had already been partially digested and, thus, the dogs were able to assimilate their nutrients.

Benefits of vegetables

Vegetables are good for health as they provide antioxidants that scavenge free radicals. In humans, it prevents premature aging, but the same does not occur in animals. In them, cell oxidation will weaken the immune system, which favors the appearance of diseases.

In addition,  vegetables provide fiber, which favors the digestive transit of humans and animals, combating constipation. However, don’t overdo it! A 3.5% fiber intake is suggested in the dog’s diet.

Benefits of vegetables

In this way, the dog’s diet can be varied with just the food, providing all the necessary nutrients. For this, it is advisable to include fruits and vegetables in the diet.

Dogs can eat vegetables, but which ones?

Among all the foods that make up the vegetable list, dogs can eat some of them. Specifically, they are as follows:

Lettuce and spinach

Lettuce is a food rich in iron and antioxidants, which provides vitamins A, C, E, B and F. Spinach, in turn, has a high content of vitamins A, C, E and K.  Both must be washed and cut into pieces, to avoid possible suffocation.


This food is suitable for dogs with arthritis, as it has  anti-inflammatory properties and favors digestion. Thus, the pain caused by this disease in dogs decreases.

pumpkin and carrot

Both have antioxidant properties, but pumpkin is mostly used in constipation conditions, while carrots strengthen teeth.

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