Can We Use Human Hygiene Products On Pets?

Can we use human hygiene products on pets?

When it comes to the hygiene of our pets, we must be as demanding as when it comes to medication. Therefore, both medicines and human hygiene products cannot be used on domestic animals. We’ll tell you why.

Human hygiene products are not suitable for animals

The answer is simple. As much as we love our furry ones and consider them part of the family, we must never forget that these are animals and not people.

Consequently, we must avoid the humanization or self-centeredness of thinking that what is good for us must also be good for them. As they are for different species, hygiene products – and medicines – must have been developed respecting the characteristics of each species.

In the case of hygiene elements, we must be very clear, for example, that the pH (the unit of measurement that serves to establish the level of acidity or alkalinity of a substance) of human skin is not the same as that of a dog , or that of the cat or that of other animals.

dog bath

Take into account the pH of your pet’s skin when choosing the elements to sanitize it

To graphically observe the question, take these numbers into account :

  • The pH of human skin varies between 4.5 and 5.9.
  • The one for dogs is between 6.3 and 7.5.
  • Cats have a pH between 7 and 7.5.

For this reason, products designed specifically for each species must be used, appropriate to their level of alkalinity or acidity.

And one should not fall into a common mistake, which is to bathe pets with baby shampoo, believing that it is “softer”, because it was developed for newborns and, in general, they indicate that they have a neutral pH (for us, not for animals) and many think they can also be used on domestic animals.

What is the right shampoo for your furry

Now we know that, however best you get on your hair with your shampoo, it should not be used to bathe your hair. Most likely it will cause you irritation or major complications at the dermatological level.

It is important to use a hygiene product suitable for dogs, cats or the pet you have at home. Be sure to consult the veterinarian so that he can guide you with the most appropriate options.

But, in addition, as each pet has particular characteristics within its species, you should also use it with a shampoo that adapts, for example, to the length and type of hair or its more or less sensitive skin.

How to Select the Right Toothpaste for a Pet

You should also be aware of your pet’s oral hygiene. Toothpaste made for humans should not be used on animals either, as it contains elements that can be harmful to them.

Also, take into account a small detail. We rinse our mouths and do not swallow the components of these products. However, furry ones cannot or do not know how to spit out the toothpaste we use to brush their teeth.

In this case, it is also imperative that oral hygiene products are specific for each species, including the toothbrush.

More points to consider when dealing with pet hygiene


Also take these issues into account when dealing with your pet’s hygiene:

  • Make sure you are using good quality products. Remember the phrase that says “cheap is expensive”.
  • If you take your furry to a Pet Shop for a bath, make sure they use items suitable for your pet.
  • Try not to humanize your furry in the subject of hygiene. Keeping it clean is correct and necessary. Perfume, cosmetics and toiletries are of interest only to you and not to your four-legged friend. Besides, he doesn’t like it, these products tend to bother him and can even cause different types of allergic reactions.

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