Chameleon As A Pet: Top Care

What care is needed to keep a chameleon as a pet? Today, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about the subject.
Chameleon as a pet: main care

Nowadays, more and more people have chosen to adopt a chameleon as a pet. In addition to their exotic beauty, these quirky reptiles are independent and do not require constant attention from their owners.

Although they do not need continuous attention, chameleons must receive specific care to maintain good health  and balanced behavior. Next, we’ll know a little more about them.

Considerations before adopting a chameleon as a pet

As with any other pet,  before adopting a chameleon, it is necessary to consider some aspects  to ensure responsible adoption and education.

adopt with conscience 

When thinking about adopting a chameleon, many people turn to a store that specializes in exotic pets. However,  the sale of pets often encourages the creation of animals as a commodity.

In many pet stores, the business is not animal welfare but profit. As a result, it is common to find overcrowded breeding sites, where several species live in unhealthy conditions.

It is also not advisable to purchase a pet, regardless of its type, from a seller. Remember that trafficking in exotic animals is a sad reality that condemns thousands of species to prison and mistreatment.

In order not to encourage these practices, we must not acquire a pet online or from locations that are not properly approved as breeding sites.

The best way to adopt a chameleon as a pet is to go to an exotic animal rescue center. In these institutions, we find reptiles, birds and other exotic pets that are waiting for a new home and a caregiver who will give them the love they deserve.

Is it possible to have a chameleon as a pet?

In addition, in these places we can also count on the guidance of volunteers and professionals specialized in the care of a chameleon as a pet.

Discover the different species of chameleon

Although they may look similar to the naked eye,  there are over 160 recognized species of chameleons, all of which belong to the Chamaeleonidae family . Each one of them has its own characteristics and needs, and knowing them will allow us to take the necessary care to offer them a healthy and balanced life.

With these data, we can condition the house and our time to offer optimal conditions for the development of our reptiles. In addition, knowing better the behavior and personality of each species, it is possible to choose the one that best suits our lifestyle and our time.

Make sure you have the necessary time and commitment.

While chameleons don’t require as much attention as a dog or cat, raising them also requires commitment. These exotic lizards need a complete and balanced diet, as well as the ideal hygiene of your terrarium and a warm environment with controlled humidity.

Basic care of a chameleon as a pet

The ideal environment for your chameleon

Your chameleon will spend most of its days inside your terrarium; therefore, it is essential to prepare and condition it properly. Before the reptile arrives at its new home, we must go to a pet store.

It is important to choose a terrarium with large dimensions. Ideally, it should be at least 60 cm high x 60 cm wide x 120 cm long.

The next step will be to think about the terrarium configuration to recreate the natural habitat of the chameleons. In the terrarium, we will make a base of gravel or earth, on which we will have some firm branches and some vegetation, such as small ferns or cuttings, ficus pumila, criptant, etc.

Chameleon as a pet

So, it  will be essential to provide optimal lighting for your little lizard’s terrarium. In general, it is recommended to opt for fluorescent or compact tubes suitable for terrariums or fish tanks. When fixing them, we must choose the upper part of the terrarium, where the animal cannot touch, to avoid burns.

It is also essential to ensure that the temperature always varies from 27°C to 29°C during the day, dropping to 20°C or 18°C ​​at night. On the other hand, the humidity should be between 50% and 100%, which is why we will need to spray the terrarium with clean, fresh water 3 to 4 times a day.

Chameleon food and health as a pet

In the wild, chameleons are important predators that basically eat insects. When adopting a chameleon as a pet, it will be essential to provide a fresh, complete and balanced diet.

Hardly these reptiles accept to consume feed or dead animals; therefore, we must take the insects alive and fresh, with the guarantee of their good origin. The best way to achieve this is to go to a store that specializes in exotic pets.

To supplement your chameleon’s nutrition, you will need to regularly provide calcium and some vitamins. To find out the age-appropriate amounts and the specific needs of your chameleon, we recommend consulting a specialized veterinarian.

Finally,  we remember the importance of providing proper preventative medications to a pet chameleon. Appointments every six months with the specialist veterinarian will be essential to check your lizard’s health status and prevent any illness.

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