Changes In Your Dog’s Behavior

Changes in your dog’s behavior can be caused by many factors. The ideal is to pay attention to the signs to identify the problem.
Changes in your dog's behavior

Our pets are much more susceptible to change than it might seem. Sometimes, the smallest details of everyday life make your dog’s behavior radically change.

If the change was sudden, we must analyze what has changed in its environment so that the dog reacts like that, although sometimes it is a much more obvious reason, such as some kind of illness or fear.

Normally, your dog’s behavior should be very stable, with its own changes in behavior produced by age, but with the same fidelity as always. Remember that there are few pets as grateful and noble as a dog…

Reasons why your dog’s behavior may change

From the smallest thing to a serious reason like an operation, your dog’s behavior can be affected to a greater or lesser degree. There are also many differences between some dogs and others, as some are very sensitive and others very indifferent, as nothing seems to affect them.

So, know some of the most common reasons why your dog may have changed its behavior, and several are sure to surprise you:

  • Illness : the change in your dog’s personality may be due to the fact that he suffers from some illness or condition that, as with us, makes us more irritable than usual.
  • New pet at home : often the arrival of a new pet at home can cause all kinds of reactions in your dog, who sees in danger all the attention he had until now.
    • However, if your dog is a sociable animal, you need not worry as they will resolve your differences within a few days. But if he takes aggressive actions, you must take steps so that the relationship does not end tragically.

  • The arrival of a baby : the arrival of a baby in the family can be a big shock for your dog, since the baby will assume a large part of the role that only he previously enjoyed. The animal may be jealous of the child, leading to behavioral changes to get attention.
  • Fears : Many dogs are afraid of unimaginable things, such as cars, motorcycles, fireworks, cats, any type of hit… A multitude of things can cause stress and thus lead to a change in behavior in a frightened dog. Therefore, we must avoid exposure to these fears.
  • Home Changes: You’d be surprised at how susceptible some dogs are to changes in the home, such as moving a piece of furniture or buying a new decor item. There are dogs that cannot enter the environment because there is a stuffed animal that makes them panic…
  • Absence of a family member: when one of the most important people in the animal’s life is absent, due to a change of address or death, the dog may suffer a mild depression that causes its character to change radically. It can take several weeks for the animal to adapt to the new situation.
  • Neutering: One of the most common reasons for your dog’s behavior change is neutering. The vitality and energy it had before, especially in the case of males, is largely lost and it becomes a quieter animal. In many cases, it is also necessary to change their diet, as they tend to gain weight due to this lack of activity.
  • Maturity : all dogs, male and female, change their personality depending on the stage of maturity they are in. Fortunately, the puppies’ period of hyperactivity passes, leading to more relaxed and calm behavior. The same happens when they reach old age, because they adopt a much more prudent and sensible attitude, just like us.

Whatever the reason your dog has changed its behavior, the ideal is to make an appointment with the veterinarian so that he can advise us more accurately on how to face the problem, although there are dogs whose biggest fear is exactly going to the vet…

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