Chow Chow Panda. Is It A Dog Or Is It A Panda?

Chow chow panda.  Is it a dog or is it a panda?

The so-called Mother Nature, Creator, Evolution or any other concept you want to believe in, always surprises us with wonderful species that we never imagined seeing. This is the case of the animal we bring you today: the Chow chow panda.

It’s an amazing animal. If I saw him from behind, I’d swear he’s a panda. However, when you hear it bark, you’ll know it’s definitely a dog. Let’s go into the details of the characteristics of this breed.

Chow chow panda, who doesn’t want one?


Source: Panda Chow Chows Facebook

This type of dog is being marketed in China. Interestingly, despite the Chinese’s bad reputation for eating dogs, it seems that species like the Chow chow panda are managing to make them want to have pets. That’s great news!

The owner of the store that sells it, Hsin Chen, claims not to be able to cater to the entire population that wants one. 

You may wonder how you managed to make such a beautiful dog. Did you cross a panda with a chow chow? The answer is no.

Hsin’s secret

Hsin is totally sincere:

“This is not a new breed of dog. It’s just a made-up chow chow. With a little care in cleaning and good makeup, you can get a chow chow to be a panda chow chow in a matter of hours.

The owner should take it every month and a half to do some touch-ups. It won’t cost you a lot of money. Of course, there is nothing chemical and the animal is not subjected to any cruel practices.

Obviously, pre-preparation increases the price of the dog, but people have not been bothered to pay more. They believe the price is right because of all those people who flock to see it. And they can say, “I have a panda dog.”

After seeing the photos, wouldn’t you like to have one? Did Hsin start the “tuning” of dogs? Since this does not harm animals, we cannot object.

Seeing the beauty of these animals, it’s a good time to remember some of the most beautiful breeds in the world.

other beautiful dogs

You’ve certainly seen many videos and photos of cute little dogs on the Internet, as well as other dogs that seem unreal. Let’s remember some?

We know that breeds are not important to you and that you think your pet is the most beautiful in the world. However, this does not stop you from enjoying the images of these beauties of nature. The breeds considered the most beautiful are:


Source: Panda Chow Chows Facebook

  • The Pomeranian is a dog that, although not known for so long, has been at its peak in recent years. It’s just that everyone who sees him for the first time can’t help saying: “It looks like a little fox”. The color of its fur, its elegance, and, why not say, its intelligence, make this dog special.
  • Samoyed. They are beautiful when puppies and even more so when adults. The softness of its stark white coat is unmatched. It is nicknamed the polar bear of dogs.
  • Labrador retriever. This breed was popularized in the world by a toilet paper advertisement. It is one of the most beautiful that life has given us. Plus, his noble personality makes him a dog everyone wants.
  • Husky. Who hasn’t dreamed of owning a Husky? I believe everyone has dreamed. Their gray fur blends in exceptionally with their deep blue eyes, making them very special beings.

Other special races are:

  • Chow chow. It doesn’t matter if you’re disguised as a panda or not, it’s really a work of nature’s art.
  • Newfoundland. Known for being one of the best breeds for rescue dogs. For those who don’t know him, physically we could say that he is a mixture of Labrador and Chow chow. But it’s a pure breed.
  • Pug. A small dog with bulging eyes that steals the heart of anyone who knows him.
  • Shitzu. Nobody can say they don’t like this breed. Although they are much prettier as puppies, the elegance they retain in adulthood makes them special.
  • Sharpei. Who has not dreamed of playing with one of these wrinkled animals?

What did you think of Chow chow panda? Would you like to have one? Share your opinion with us.

Images source: Panda Chow Chows Facebook

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