Dandruff In Dogs

Dandruff in dogs

Dandruff in dogs, just like in humans, is made up of a set of dead cells  that slough off the skin. Sometimes they appear as little white dots. At other times, as scales that may be on the animal’s skin or fur.

Sometimes this troublesome condition is accompanied by other symptoms. The most common are small bumps on the dog’s skin. Scabs of different sizes and hair loss can also appear.

In general, dandruff in dogs originates from a dry skin. However, skin oils can also give rise to this condition. Some breeds are more likely to suffer from skin dryness. This is the case with German shepherds. On the other hand, other breeds tend to develop skin oils, such as Labradors.

Anyway,  the first thing that must be done is to determine what is the cause of dandruff in dogs. If this is not done, it will be very difficult to establish the proper treatment.

Causes of Dandruff in Dogs

The origin of dandruff in dogs can be in their poor hygiene habits, a dry environment, nutritional deficiencies, infections and allergies. The specific cause determines the characteristics of the treatment that should be carried out.

dog being brushed

The most frequent causes are:

  • Poor cleaning routines. It refers to the bath, which may not be being performed with adequate frequency. Sometimes the owners give more baths than the dog needs and sometimes less. On the other hand, sometimes products are used that are not suitable for dogs, such as human shampoos or poor quality soaps.
  • Dry weather. Dry climate regions favor the appearance of dandruff in dogs.  This is especially noticeable during winter.
  • Nutritional deficiencies. The lack of fatty acids and omega 3 affects the skin health of dogs  and induces dryness.
    • Bacterial and fungal infections. In this case, it  is usual for dandruff to appear accompanied by blisters that break up and form crusts.
    • Dandruff is sometimes caused by exposure to certain allergens, such as pollen, household cleaning products, chemicals or others.
    • Mites. The Cheyletiella mite can also be the cause of dandruff in dogs. It generates a special type of flaking which is known as “walking dandruff”. So called because it actually moves, due to mites.

    In principle, dandruff is not a serious disease. Therefore, its treatment is not difficult. However, when it is caused by factors such as fungus, bacteria or mites, it may require the intervention of a veterinarian.

    Dandruff Remedies in Dogs

    The treatment of dandruff depends on the factor that causes it. If it is diagnosed that the cause is incorrect hygiene, the cleaning routine must be modified. The veterinarian can indicate the ideal frequency of bathing, depending on the breed of dog. It will also indicate which shampoo is most suitable.

    It is advisable to brush the dog. This simple operation stimulates the production of the skin’s natural oils. This helps to eliminate dandruff.

    If the problem originates in a dry environment, it is more reasonable to purchase a  humidifier . This care will be especially necessary in winter times.

    dog sleeping

    If dandruff is due to nutritional deficiency, it is necessary to strengthen the diet with zinc and  vitamins A and E. Fish oil-based foods are ideal.

    Dandruff originating from bacteria, fungi and mites requires the intervention of a professional. The usual is that it is necessary to administer some kind of medication. In any case, it is recommended to wash all the bed linen with hot water. Also vacuum all carpets and furniture.

    Home solutions

    When dandruff in dogs is mild, it will be possible to achieve good results using home remedies. They have the advantage of being very light and having no side effects. They are also very economical.

    One of the best solutions is to use  apple cider vinegar. Simply mix it, in equal parts, with water. Then rub the dog’s skin with a cotton or a clean cloth soaked in this mixture. It is necessary to do this once a day until the problem goes away.

    Olive oil is another beneficial element to eliminate dandruff. Simply rub the oil over the dog’s skin and fur once a day.

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