Does Aloe Vera Benefit Our Pets?

This plant, in addition to bringing benefits to humans, also has properties that benefit animals.
Does aloe vera bring any benefit to our pets?

For some years now, the use of aloe vera (aloe vera) has been intensifying for the cure of many diseases and skin wounds. We already know that many products we use can be good for animals, but  does aloe vera benefit our pets?

What is aloe vera for?

When they discovered the properties of this plant, many people did not believe that it was possible that so many nutrients could be gathered together in a single plant.

However, it has been proven that  its benefits and its vitamin components bring benefits when used in different circumstances. Aloe vera has been found to contain amino acids, a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, tannins, carbohydrates and many other components.

Aloe vera is used:

  • as energizing
  • To aid digestion
  • How to detoxify
  • To improve nutrient absorption
  • To aid in drug absorption
  • As a moisturizer
  • to relieve the itch
  • As an anti-inflammatory
  • as analgesic
  • as a healing
  • In the renewal of dead cells
  • To improve blood circulation
  • as an antibiotic
  • as antifungal
  • as antiviral

aloe vera or aloe

These are some of the benefits that are known to us so far. But  do they apply to our pets as well?

Does aloe vera benefit our pets?

Yes, aloe vera has benefits for pets. These are some of them:

  • Allergies. Aloe is ideal for treating skin allergies  such as ringworm, rash or inflammation. These symptoms can be caused by a skin allergy or a food allergy that causes an external rash.
  • Loss of hair. Hair loss is not normal when it is not related to the hair change period. Therefore, it can be caused by an illness or an infection. Aloe vera  will be the perfect antidote to fight it. Even if there are regions where the hair has completely fallen out, it is possible that this plant helps to regenerate.
  • Wounds. Aloe vera is ideal for treating wounds, thanks to its gelatinous texture, which  has a regenerative effect and helps with healing. In addition, it serves as a wound protector, as it prevents our pets from contracting any infection in the region.
  • Organ damage. Aloe vera is also a great drink. Aloe vera juice  can help your dog restore the proper functioning of damaged organs,  as well as detoxify the body.
  • Hormones. Pets can suffer from hormonal imbalances. Minerals such as zinc, magnesium and many others that make up aloe vera  will help to regulate the body  and, consequently, the proper functioning of the hormonal system.

aloe vera for dogs

These are some of the benefits that aloe vera brings to our pets. There are other uses, such as in cases of tumors that, despite not being cured by the use of aloe vera, present a delay in cell growth.

The most common use of this plant is topical, but we recommend that you also use it in juices. However, before administering the medicine to your pet, ask your veterinarian if the pet can consume it. Although it is a natural compound, we should never take any chances.

It’s very simple. Just mix the aloe vera juice with a little olive oil, which will serve as an emulsifier. If you want, you can add a little touch of gelatin to make the cream a little creamier. You will see how this cream will help alleviate your pet’s skin problems.

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