Does Your Dog Rule The Ride? Advice To Avoid This

Does your dog rule the ride?  Advice to avoid this

We often see a dog pulling the owner as if he were the one in charge of the ride instead of his owner, when it should be exactly the opposite. Maybe that will happen to you, and despite the many initiatives to prevent this from happening, it seems that things don’t change much as you walk around.

Today we are going to give the definitive solution to this problem. Follow our advice and you’ll see how things go back to their place, is it you who walk your dog and not the other way around?

Correct collar and chest for a good ride


This is an essential condition if we want our walk with our dog to be pleasant. It should be comfortable and with the proper accessories. But how to choose them?

Don’t think that a good accessory will change your dog’s bad habit of pulling the leash when you take a walk together, but it will help your dog not get hurt while learning, just like you.

The best thing is to choose a breastplate instead of a collar that only wraps around the animal’s neck. The pectoral goes through the chest and, in the case of pulling, it will be better, because the dog will not be hurt. There is already a type of anti-pull chest that prevents the handler from feeling the pulls that the dog gives.

To prevent yourself from hurting yourself, choose a padded collar, soft in the hand area, so that when your dog pulls it, you won’t hurt yourself.

Why does your dog pull you on his walk?

Dogs that pull the leash do so for the following reasons:

  • Excitement. Going out and taking a walk is something that delights any dog ​​and causes a high level of excitement. One way to prevent this is to take the dog for a walk more often or, if that’s not possible, take longer walks so that he becomes more aware, little by little, that he will have plenty of time to expend his energy. This excitement should pass after 10 or 15 minutes of walking down the street.
  • Stress or anxiety. The tugs of the straps on your walk are sometimes just another sign of your dog’s anxiety and stress. If after 15 minutes on the street he continues pulling on the collar, take him to a vet, he is likely to have nervous problems.
  • Accumulated energy. Some dogs take longer than others to expend all their accumulated energy. If your dog is one of them, check the amount of food he consumes and avoid giving him more than necessary. Long rides that allow you to run and unleash your adrenaline will be essential.

How should the walk with your dog be

Your dog has two needs: physiological and to be taught and educated by you. You must understand that you cannot accumulate both, because your pet will go crazy.

For this reason, the first minutes of the tour will be for your pet to take care of its needs, so you should not try to calm it down or try to get it to walk beside you or to carry out your orders. That would be a mistake.

Once your pet has “relieved”, then you can start educating him so that he doesn’t pull, walks close to you and understands that you are the one taking him for a walk, not the other way around.

Teach your dog to walk beside you


For your dog to be by your side on your walks, do the following:

  • You should choose a sound or word that the dog can relate to walking with you.
  • Use rewards. Use your chosen word and, when your dog does your bidding, give him a treat. Don’t give him time to pull the strap again, and repeat the process over and over again. This way the animal will become familiar with the word or sound it has chosen.
  • Walk slowly while saying the word to him several times so that the animal doesn’t move away.
  • Use a treat as a bait, having the animal follow you as you repeat the word or sound you’ve chosen as your command.
  • Have patience. Don’t expect your dog to obey you every time or throughout the walk, you will need to repeat the process for several days at a time.

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