Dog Collars And Straps. Meet Them!

Dog collars and straps.  Get to know them!

Currently, on the market there are hundreds of models of collars and straps for dogs. But, how to choose the best one for your dog?

Before making a decision, you have to determine whether your little friend is a more active or a more relaxed dog, as these characteristics will define the type of accessory you should choose.

Below, we will share some tips and advice for you to choose the best product.

different materials

Collar materials

A very important point that you must take into account is the material with which the collars and straps were made. If you go to a pet store, you will find hundreds of shelves with various products.

Leather, nylon, metal, made of rope… But which one is the best strap for my furry friend? The important thing here is that you focus on which one will be the most compatible with your dog.

Regardless of the race of your little friend, a point that is no less important, the right choice has to do with other factors that also make up the product. In this sense, whenever buying something for your dog, consider the duration of the product. Duration is about quality.

It’s no use purchasing a collar or strap that will break in a few months. Perhaps choosing chains to use as a strap and leather for the collar is the best option, as they are more durable and reliable.

Another very important, very important point is to determine how safe the product you choose is. The collar, for example, has to adapt very well to the dog. That way it will be very easy to control it.

Different types of collars and straps


As we mentioned before, there are different types of products, according to each one of the needs. For example, the basic straps are  usually made of nylon and, through a hook, they are attached to the collar.

In general, this type of model is what we commonly see in dozens of dogs. If you prefer this type of product, don’t forget that the weight of the strap should be proportional to the weight of your furry four-legged.

The training belts

They are another alternative. They can help improve the behavior of dogs. For small dogs, it’s better to be short. On the other hand, if they are medium or large, the strap should be longer.

Straps made with mountain rope

These straps are perfect for big dogs. They are strong but lightweight and very, very reliable. Besides, they last a long time.


If we talk about collars, there are two types: they can be nylon or leather. With buckle or snap closure.

If your pet is robust, it is best that you opt for a buckle collar. They are a good option, very safe.

There are other collars that help control the head butts of dogs and, above all, are ideal for those dogs full of energy. These exert pressure on the muzzle and neck and then guide the head and body in the direction the owner wants the dog to go.

Another option are the so-called double-layer collars . These double fabric collars are durable and extremely reliable for large dogs, especially if they are robust and strong.

Collars for specific breeds

dog on a leash

As the name implies, each one with his own collar. Many breeds do better with collars designed especially for them. For example, Greyhounds, Italian Greyhounds and Whippets have extremely sensitive necks.

In that sense, it’s always better to pamper them and give them a product that suits them, in this case, their physical needs.

And the pecs…? Are they indispensable? The use of the breastplate is  ideal for “toy” dogs, such as chihuahuas. They allow you to control the tiny bodies of these animals without putting pressure on their back.

Other products

In addition to finding collars and straps that can be customized in different ways, you will also find special products that include identification collars, pectoral collars for dogs of all sizes, choke collars, etc.

Safety first. Identification collars are printed or embroidered with your dog’s personalized information.

If your little friend is overflowing with energy and somehow always manages to get out of your sight, the best thing in these cases is for him to wear an identification collar so that whoever finds him can return it.

Reflective straps and collars. They are made of light-reflecting material and are water resistant. They have an incalculable value, because they shine, by reflex, when the headlights of cars or trucks illuminate them, making that way your little friend is much more visible in the face of the danger that the cars represent to them.

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