Dog Saves A Man’s Life In Malaga

Dog saves a man's life in Malaga

The actions of dogs in saving human lives are well known. This instinct in dogs has been demonstrated in many dangerous situations, and the stories of people owing their lives to the heroic action of a dog that saved their lives, including risking their own lives, has transcended public opinion. It is very common for rescue teams to use dogs for specific actions, with a highly proven success statistic. On that occasion, the dog saved the life of a man in Malaga!

And a dog saves a human’s life


Author: Eduardo Millo

A Seville resident who was drowning in the port of Malaga owes his life to the barking of a dog that made its owner approach to see what was happening and watched the man in the water. He quickly notified the Port Police so that they could proceed with the rescue. All this happened thanks to the dog Nanook.

The person in the water was over 60 years old and suffered different injuries, so she was taken to a hospital for her recovery. When taking the man out of the water, the Port Police agents had to dry him with blankets and put him in the patrol car with the heating on maximum, so that the man had his body temperature normalized.

The feat of the Nanook dog

As he does every morning, Nanook, a one-year-old chocolate brown Labrador dog, went out for a walk with its owners Alvorada and Jose Ignacio, at around 7:30 in the morning, at post number 1 in the port of Malaga. Nanook is a very calm animal, good, and with all the desire to play for its age, as reported by its owners.

When they returned home after the walk, the animal began to bark in an insistent way, which is not usual for him, and even more because there was no one in the area, something normal at this time. As the dog did not stop barking and trying to get the attention of its owner, he ended up following him and could hear, in the distance, the cries for help of an elderly man who was in the water. José Ignacio reassured him and called the rescuers.

The Civil Guard and Port Police quickly arrived at the site, together with workers from the port of Malaga and other citizens who were passing through the place at that time. While the rescue tasks took place, Nanook waited nervously to see what happened. When the man was rescued and medical services arrived, the animal returned to his home as he did every day, satisfied with his action. And so the dog saves man’s life in Malaga…

Helping dogs saves the lives of many

In the vast majority of cases where a dog saves a person’s life, it is done by animals that were not trained for it and, in many cases, did not even know who they were helping. Different studies carried out have not yet managed to gather conclusive data about the reasons why these actions of assistance are given by our dogs.

Researchers still cannot say with certainty whether dogs are motivated by something from within them to help people or whether this is simply something they are able to react to, in specific situations, according to a certain list of genetic behavior .

Dogs, in general, have a special motivation to help humans, even if they are unknown to you ; the important thing for this to happen is that the dog understands that we need his help.

Protecting the pack


We will have to remember once more that dogs are descended from wolves, that is, they had a group life, of mutual help, coordination, surveillance and support to all members of the so-called pack. From the moment a dog considers people to be part of its group, this instinct comes to the fore when it’s most difficult or in especially delicate situations.

As we see, this is a kind of sense of teamwork or common good. Although many people speak of a loyalty and love for all people on the part of dogs, the explanation for these rescue acts is more based on the dogs’ predisposition to form part of a group and to protect the members of that group.

Main image source: Neil Barnwell

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