Ecoy, The Stolen Dog Used For Fighting, Looking For A Home

Ecoy, the stolen dog used for fighting, looking for a home

An old refrain says that some are born in a cradle of gold. This phrase could also be applied in the case of pets, although, in this case, we humans have much more to do with the good, regular or bad that happens in life. Today we are going to bring the story of Ecoy, a stolen and used for fighting dog that has been waiting for several years to be welcomed by someone, giving him a new opportunity.

Ecoy: a life marked by abandonment, theft and mistreatment

Ecoy is an American Staffordshire dog that, in Spain and many other countries, is considered to be potentially dangerous. This may have been the reason that his owners, who moved to Germany, decided to leave him, at just 1.5 years old, in the Association for the Protection of Animals and Plants of Grenada.

At that time, Ecoy was a very sociable puppy who got along wonderfully with children and other animals. And he soon caught the attention of a young man who made a firm decision to adopt him.

But, unfortunately, fate willed that, just before being transferred to its new home, the dog was stolen from the shelter, where he lived with Betty, a bulldog puppy.

More details on the story of the stolen dog used for fighting


Luckily, the dogs could be rescued thanks to the dissemination of the story through social networks, the work of the Civil Guard and the fact that Ecoy was identified with a microchip, but nothing has returned to the way it was before.

Ecoy was returned by one of the thieves with the excuse that they had given him to a friend to take care of him and that he did not know that it was a stolen dog.

Little dog Betty was recovered in a nearby town, where she had been abandoned. Two people ended up in prison for the crime.

Invisible wounds that leave deep marks

Corinna Willhöft, director of the protective association, especially remembers her reunion with Ecoy, who soon recognized her.

However, she saw him very differently. “It had been overfed and it was deformed,” according to his account. It’s just that Ecoy, unfortunately, had been used in dog fights.

Therefore, the dog, like the dog Betty, had a lot of wounds on the head and neck.

A dog that was never the same again

The two animals quickly recovered from their injuries and Betty was adopted by Willhöft herself.

However, Ecoy was not so lucky. The person who had chosen him to give him a new home before he was robbed had already chosen another dog.

However, the saddest thing about this whole situation is that Ecoy, although he quickly recovered from the wounds on his body, had a change of attitude after being used in dog fights. And even though his relationship with humans continues to be good, he has become a dog that defends his “territory” and can no longer stay with other animals.

Ecoy still hopes someone will adopt him

Thus, the adoption of this American Staffordshire has become increasingly difficult, not to mention that the existing standard, considering it a potentially dangerous specimen of breed – does not facilitate this issue either.

Today, Ecoy is the “veteran” of the protective association of Grenada and has been waiting for almost four years for some kindhearted person to give him a new opportunity and present him with a home.

Maybe if someone finally adopts him and gives him all the affection and care he deserves, he can also begin to heal all the deep wounds that other human beings have caused him.

Source of the images: Facebook of the Protective Association of Animals and Plants of Grenada.

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