Five Holy Week Related Animals

It is very common in Holy Week processions to appreciate different species that have to do with the Bible. Animals have great symbolic relevance in the sacred texts of the Catholic religion.
Five animals related to Holy Week

As God’s creatures, references to animals are not lacking in the Bible. In Genesis; on the fifth and sixth days of creation, God is said to have created marine and terrestrial animals and birds. This is a favorable occasion to remember the animals related to Holy Week and the symbolism they represent in the Catholic religion.

 Animals related to Holy Week

The snake. This reptile is the most impure animal in the holy scriptures. The best known event where he appears is in the temptation of Adam and Eve in Eden. The serpent urged the biblical couple to know the tree of good and evil; a sin that cast them out of paradise. 

Serpent from the Garden of Eden

Donkey. Also called donkey, it was the means of transport for those who could not own a horse. The best-known episode in the Bible where he is mentioned is Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey.

Grasshopper. This highly destructive insect is one of the animals that appears the most in biblical passages. When God sent the seven plagues to Egypt, one of them was just a plague of locusts, which devastated the crops and caused a famine.

The lion. This is another one of the animals related to Holy Week. The big cat represents Yave (God) for its symbolism of maximum power and strength. It is present in several texts of the Bible, including, there are references to the lion in the Apocalypse. Jesus is also known as the “Lion of Judah”.

Ant. This arthropod insect appears in Bible verses as an example of work, foresight and wisdom. Solomon opposes his qualities to human laziness.

These are just some of the animals related to Holy Week mentioned in the biblical texts. The calf, the ram and the horse could also be mentioned, due to their symbolic relevance.

Tips for traveling with your pet over Easter

The pet is another member of the family. Therefore, a family leisure trip should include it, unless it is inappropriate for your own well-being.

dog traveling by car

If you are going to travel during this Holy Week, you must ensure that the animal enjoys the trip and avoid any dangers or inconveniences that may affect it.

Next, we will remember the preparations and care that must be taken into account to ensure a good trip with your pet.

Before traveling with your pet

Planning is important to meet needs and demands and make the trip enjoyable for everyone.

We suggest that you make a list  with the necessary elements; including, among others, the following elements:

  • Bring all pet documentation  that may be required by the control authorities: vaccination card, identity document, veterinary certificate and pet passport (if any).
  • Take medications of a prophylactic nature or that the animal is taking. For example, those that prevent dizziness and vomiting, as well as a small first-aid kit.
  • Include the pet’s belongings. Take your food, snacks, toys, collars, guides, blankets, containers and transport boxes, according to the vehicle in which you will travel. Although it’s possible to buy new things, he’ll feel more comfortable and calmer if you pick up his everyday items.
  • Both your trip preparations and your attention during the trip must be consistent with the animal’s characteristics. These include your age, illness, size and personality (if you are restless, calm, etc.).

While traveling with your pet

  • Avoid giving  your pet anxiety.
  • For safety, transport it properly according to the chosen means of transport.
  • If he gets nervous when traveling,  keep some prescription medication handy.
  • When traveling by car, it is advisable to  make stops for the pet to urinate, take a walk and stretch its legs.
  • Upon arriving at the chosen location, be patient with your pet and allow it to familiarize itself with the new environment.
  • Continue with your  walking, feeding, urinating and bowel movements.
  • Don’t isolate your friend; include it in your scheduled vacation activities.

These are just a few recommendations for traveling with your pet over Easter; although it all depends on the type of animal in question.

In any case, one of the most important recommendations for any species is  not to skimp on love and attention to this family member.

We also hope you enjoyed getting to know the animals related to Holy Week and their symbolism.

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