Get To Know Some Of The Abilities Of Dogs

Know some of the abilities of dogs

There are many details or canine abilities that your pet can have. One of them is to try to escape with all your strength when going out for a walk in the street. This can happen because the animal was stuck at home all day.

So that your furry friend doesn’t try to run away every time you go for a walk, you should go out with him for a daily walk at a brisk pace for at least 1 hour.

Canine Skills: Teaching How to Paw

deaf dog

To get your pet to paw at your slightest signal, you can start by offering a reward by letting your pet sniff your fist. Congratulate any paw movement and wait until it touches your hand with it. When the dog learns that he must touch his hand with his paw to win the prize, move it away from the ground little by little with each attempt.

Exercise your dog’s skills, raising your hand more and more. In subsequent sessions, include a hand signal or verbal command. Also practice in other places and in different positions.

The training

A good deal of training is essential for developing canine skills. You must combine a good amount of exercise with activities of skill, coordination, balance, self-control and concentration of dogs, regardless of breed, age, size or physical constitution. Many of the movements come from other disciplines.

With the development of these abilities in animals, in addition to preventing boredom and serving as a mental exercise, we will also be improving communication with the dog and strengthening our bond with him, something essential before we demand obedience.

Training for all dogs

These canine skill exercises can be done with any dog, with no age or size limit. You can train it anywhere, whether it’s indoors or out. It’s a perfect activity for the whole family, including the kids in the house.

A few minutes a day is enough to train and develop these skills. The most important thing is that you can have fun and interact more and more with your dog and have pleasant moments by your side, strengthening the trust between the two of you.

Many options or skills

Imagination has no limits when thinking about tricks your dog can learn, but some are more common and easier to learn, such as:

  • Sit down when the owner orders.
  • Lie down when hearing a certain word.
  • Walking without pulling the collar, making the ride more pleasant for the owner.
  • Bark and shut up when the owner gives the order.
  • Pick up objects and take them to their owner.
  • Follow a trail.
  • Do not cross physical boundaries without owner’s permission.
  • Graceful skills.
  • Remembering things. Dogs can remember things and use memory in some new situations.
  • Recognize people. When the bond has already been created and strengthened, the dog will always react in the same way when seeing a person, especially if associated with a positive stimulus.
  • Colors. Although dogs have monochromatic vision, they see in a gray scale that allows them to distinguish everything around them.
  • Puppies’ body language can be gestural. They use ears, tail, posture, pupil dilation, etc. There are many gestures and, with great care, we will understand a lot of what they want to tell us.

Smell Skills

dry muzzle in dogs

It is more than proven that  dogs have an olfactory capacity that exceeds a hundred times that of humans. The ability of these animals to locate and separate odors is far superior to humans.

A dog deprived of using his sense of smell during walks is more likely to end up interacting in an undesirable way  with other dogs that cross his path. He may end up advancing or unleashing himself out of sheer nervousness.

Rather than prohibiting our friend from smelling things, people, etc., we should allow and encourage this behavior  (without disturbing other people). In this way, we make the most of one of the dog’s great abilities: the sense of smell.

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