Guacharaca, The Little Bitch Writer

Guacharaca, the little bitch writer

Linda Guacharaca was a Colombian street dog who lived at a gas station. Like many dogs, Guacharaca had a lot of trouble and had difficulty finding food, drinking water, and protecting himself. It depended entirely on the charity of travelers or passersby who passed by. But that was it until she managed to become a writing dog. We will tell the story for you.

One day, the future writing dog was run over by a car. This accident left her with all four legs and a fractured hip. Due to the impossibility of being able to look for food and water, Guacharaca was getting weaker. It was then that, by chance, the Spanish Yamila Facuri passed the road where the dog was and couldn’t help but help her. Guacharaca was already in critical condition, on the verge of death, dehydrated and without ingesting any food.

The adoption of the writing bitch


However, Yamila wasn’t sure at first if she could keep the little dog, as she wasn’t used to taking care of another being. So, he started to take the first steps to put her up for adoption. But, over time, the love between them emerged and they became inseparable.

Because of the state he was in, Yamila began to feel the need to write about what he felt, about his situation with Guacharaca. Thus, she thought about writing a blog from the dog’s perspective, as a collaborator, while Guacharaca would be the writer.

Over time, the blog began to take shape. So Yamila began writing a book. As he couldn’t find a way to finance the project, he turned to the crowdfunding technique , which means looking for collaborations independently until he raised enough money to publish his book.

The first edition of the book had a circulation of 1,000 copies.  All books were financed by the financing modality previously adopted by her. The second edition was published at the International Book Fair of Bogotá (FILBO), where Guacharaca gave so-called “pantographs”, which are given with their paws instead of a handwritten signature. This little dog caused a lot of stir worldwide, especially in Latin America. She achieved fame for being the first female dog writer and for the impact she made with her book.

The little bitch writer’s book

Our dog’s book is called “Life is beautiful”, which narrates from Guacharaca’s perspective, how she was rescued, how she felt, what happened afterwards and her points of view regarding different situations in life. This book has humor, strong situations, and an ongoing invitation to reflection. As she is a street bitch, her point of view lives up to her perspective of seeing life, and how through love all problems can be overcome.

Currently, the writer follows careers as a model, blogger, columnist in the magazine “4 Paws” publishing her column once a week, in addition to being an activist for moving to a new world. Guacharaca shows us everything that is most beautiful through its eyes, counting on the help of its collaborator and on countless trips through Colombia, the coast of that country and Europe.


Animals with special talent

There are many animals with special talents or with certain experiences that have been used in advertising campaigns.

  • Paul the octopus soothsayer

Paul was an octopus who caused a stir because of his correct predictions about the 2008 Euro Cup and 2010 World Cup. In addition, he predicted other things that made everyone trust their choices. It became widely known as “the oracle octopus” or “the medium octopus”.

After his death, in 2010, his keepers made a monument in honor of him at the Sea Life Center aquarium, in the city of Oberhausen, where he lived. The predictions were made through the choice of various objects with food. Each one represented a particular country. The riddle happened when Paul chose food from a pot, representing a team. That team would be the winner.

  • Buddy Mercury, the dog that sings and plays the piano

Buddy Mercury is a beagle made famous by his YouTube videos. In them, he appeared howling as he played the piano. The American puppy went viral from the moment his owners created his first video, showing him doing a show, in which he sang and played while wagging his tail and addressing the camera as if he was aware that there was an audience that watched him.

  • Dacing Nathan, the dancing dog

Dacing is a dog of the Chinese Crested Dog breed that went viral on the Internet by dancing to the rhythm of the music played by its owner. This puppy lived its first 4 years of life in temporary homes. But that happened until he was adopted in the state of South Carolina, where he found someone who discovered his new talent.

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