Homage To Stray Dogs In Mexico

Tribute to abandoned dogs in Mexico

More and more cities pay homage to stray dogs. This is the case, for example, in Mexico City and Barcelona, ​​Spain. Today, we want to talk about another Mexican city, Guadalajara, which even built a monument to stray dogs. 

Next, we’ll talk a little more about this initiative and how this idea came about.

The monument in honor of the abandoned dogs of Guadalajara

This initiative arose in an association called  Échanos la pata. The objective was to promote the care of dogs that live on the streets.

Many stray animals relate to each other and, as a result, have puppies that, over time, live on the streets as well and become stray dogs. There are two ways to avoid this:

  • Castration
  • Adoption

When a person wants to adopt a dog, they usually look for one with a physique that is pleasing to the eye. Generally, they are usually the ones of race. However, any dog ​​can offer us the affection and warmth we seek in a companion animal. But that doesn’t seem to be what most people believe.

To start raising awareness, they opened the Animal Protection Unit. She provides specialized help for the care of the animal, as well as respect for their rights.

Many asked  why make a monument to an abandoned dog. The project’s director, Sandra Origel, explained that “for us, they are four-legged warriors who suffer from hunger, cold, abuse and human indifference.”

When the monument was inaugurated, the event took place at Parque Itália, and 150 free castration surgeries were performed at the time.

Other tributes to animals

The case of Guadalajara is not unique. Several statues and other monuments have been made to honor stray dogs. Like for example:

  • Hachicko. In the beginning he was not a stray dog, but a companion animal that went with its owner every day to the station. However, when its owner died, Hachicko lived on the streets and in front of the station that never brought its owner back.
  • The cat from Istanbul. They say that Istanbul is the city of cats, and this was demonstrated when they made a statue in honor of a stray cat that every city knew. Plus, he made weird and fun moves at times, and townspeople remembered that. Her statue is on a bench, in which she is in one of her favorite postures.
  • The abandoned animals salon in Barcelona. This is an initiative that seeks to make people aware of the damage caused by the abandonment of animals. Every year, they pay tribute to an animal that lost its life because it was left to its own devices.
  • Moaña, in Galicia. This place made a sculpture in honor of the abandoned dogs. But in this case, they did it for the dogs of Cantabrian and for Lobi, a dog who had been by his owner’s side his entire life.
  • To hunting dogs. In this case, it was a photographer who, through a report, paid tribute to hunting dogs that are abandoned by their owners, since they are no longer useful. This is sad, but it’s a reality.

    We are very happy that there are people who are aware that  abandonment is an evil that must be eradicated. That animals are living beings dependent on us and that they cannot be left to their own devices.

    Do your part too, helping associations that fight this evil  or adopting one of these animals. You will never regret this.

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