House Turtles: Meet 4 Types

There are two types of these animals, those that live in fresh water and those that live on land. And, despite being wild species, they can adapt well as pets. Meet 4 types of domestic turtles.
House turtles: meet 4 types

Although some countries prohibit having turtles as pets, many people prefer to keep domestic turtles rather than dogs and cats.  Below, we will tell you which are ideal for living in a home environment, as long as your needs are respected.

What types of domestic turtles are there?

First, we must differentiate between freshwater and land turtles. The former need to live in a place surrounded by water, such as lakes, fountains or aquariums. On the other hand, the second need a large aviary where they can sleep, eat and defecate.

In both cases, both the ambient temperature and the sunlight received are critical for the animals. Don’t forget that turtles are cold-blooded reptiles and spend many hours warming up as well as hibernating during the winter. Among the types of domestic turtles, we find:

1. Wood turtle

Its scientific name is Glyptemys Insculpta (picture that opens this article) and it is originally from North America.  Recognized for its dark gray carapace, legs, head and belly orange with black spots. Also, its ends are robust.

Males are larger than females, usually measuring around 23 centimeters and weighing 1 kg as adults.  They are omnivorous and can feed on plants, fungi, fruits, carrion and invertebrates.  The wood turtle is 100% terrestrial in spring and summer, although it prefers water in winter and fall.

2. Russian turtle

Among the types of domestic turtles, the Russian is the most common and frequent in homes. Its carapace is dark, with light, round and flat spots. Its head and extremities are light in color and the nails of its hind legs are well developed. It can measure up to 22 centimeters.

House turtles: 4 types

As for its longevity, the “four-nailed turtle” reaches 40 years in its wild form. However, in captivity, it can live for hundreds of years.  Her eyesight is excellent, she can recognize people, she is sensitive to soil vibrations, and she has a well-developed sense of smell to get her food: herbs, flowers, vegetables and greens.

3. Painted turtle

Common in North America, it lives in water: low-flow rivers, smooth muddy beds, lakes and wells.  In some countries it is considered an invasive species.

Some types of domestic turtle

Its carapace can measure 25 centimeters and is striking for its yellow and red striped design, looking like it was handcrafted. Its skin is olive green or black, with orange and yellowish lines. It can live for 25 years, needing a relatively large aviary at a pleasant temperature.

4. Red ear turtle

Another type of water-dwelling domestic turtle found wild in the United States and Mexico. It is also known as the “Florida turtle”, being famous for its two red stripes on the side of its head. This visual feature gave her the nickname “red ears” and made her one of the most popular turtles as a pet.

red ear turtle

It can reach 30 centimeters and females are slightly larger than males. In any case, they live up to 40 years and spend a lot of time in water. In addition, they require a moist habitat in direct sunlight to increase their body temperature.

The red ear turtle is an excellent swimmer. She likes to sleep in the midday sun and can be a little aggressive when sharing territory with other turtles. Hibernate at the bottom of lakes during the winter.

If you decide to have a red ear turtle as a pet, keep in mind that it is very vulnerable to infections and can infect children with Salmonella. As for your food, you will have to offer it a variety of foods: plants, fish, insects, fruits and vegetables.

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