How Can You Stop A Dogfight?

How can you stop a dogfight?

If you are a dog lover, you certainly don’t like to witness a fight between them. Much less if your pet is involved. This is a situation that makes us feel bad and want to do something to stop it. But beware, it’s not as easy as it sounds. We should know the correct steps to take before we get into trouble or get bitten.

Therefore, as we believe that this is not an isolated event and that it can happen at any time, we feel it is necessary to offer some advice. Read these tips for action if you want to stop a dogfight.

What to do to stop a dogfight

Keep Calm

dogs fight

Always remember that there is one characteristic that gives you an advantage over animals and, in this case, over dogs: your rationality. So don’t forget to stay calm, as dog fights usually only last a few seconds.

The best thing you can do in these cases is to try to scare the dogs to distract them and stop fighting. Keep in mind that, at such difficult times, putting your hand in the middle is not a good idea.

use water

If you get a chance to splash water on the dogs, do so. This will cause them to separate and get distracted, and forget what they were doing.

This is a very useful method. We recommend that whenever you go out with your pet to a park or other place that might have more dogs, take a bottle of water to use in case of emergency.

look for a barrier

As we’ve said before, putting your hand in the middle of a fight is not a good idea. So look for something you can use as a barrier. It could be cardboard in a nearby garbage can or something else.

A blanket

Throwing a blanket over the dogs will make them lose their bearings and allow you to pick up your pet. Of course, no one takes a blanket when they go outside, but sometimes it’s good to be safe. The ideal is to take a small backpack with what you need in case of a fight between dogs.

pull the tail

If there’s one thing all dogs hate, it’s pulling their tails. No dog, not even one that is involved in a fight, will fail to look back when they feel that someone has moved their tail.

If you are going to do this with a dog other than your own, use a protection to prevent them from biting your hand.

use your legs

If you have some really tough shoes, you can push one of the dogs with your legs to stop fighting. Don’t kick or hurt them. It’s just a matter of placing an obstacle between the animals to see if this helps when separating the fight.

Be careful if the dogs are too big, as this can be dangerous and you could get hurt.

just watch

Most fights can be avoided if we watch our dogs for a few minutes. If you notice that your dog or the oncoming animal growls, barks or runs, beware! The fight is imminent.

As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure,  and dogfighting is no different. So be careful and take your dog on a leash, don’t let him loose if you know he’s aggressive, and if he’s calmer, don’t let him go until you’re sure the other dogs are too.

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