How Do Owners Get Their Dogs On The New York Subway?

How do owners get their dogs on the New York subway?

Until some time ago, seeing a pet on public transport was unthinkable. However, there are more and more “Pet Friendly” cities, which allow its entry, despite certain restrictions. In this article, we’ll tell you  how owners manage to take their dogs inside the New York subway, as well as in Madrid and Barcelona.

Dogs inside the New York subway

One of the most populous cities in the United States also has an overpopulation of four-legged creatures. The owners of pets take them for walks everywhere and often take the subway from here to there, in a city where traffic is chaotic.

However, the mayor decided to implement a policy that prohibits the entry of dogs into the subway. Of course, the complaints did not take long to appear. As thousands of people were indignant with this measure, they decided to change a part of the rule. It was determined that only those animals that were carried in a bag could travel on public transport. In this way, they were “authorized” to enter the subway.

Of course this is an unfair measure for dogs belonging to large breeds, but at least it was an improvement over the initial law. Even though all dogs weighing more than 5 kg had to look for another means of transport, the owners showed a lot of creativity in the face of this restriction.

Now, we can see pitbulls, Siberian huskys, dogos, golden retrievers or dalmatians passing by on the subway thanks to the ingenuity of their owners. They didn’t hesitate to carry them inside their backpacks, purses and even shopping bags to be accompanied by their best friends wherever they went.


How is the relationship between the metro and pets in Spain?

In the case of Madrid’s metro lines, users must comply with certain rules in order to take their pets:

  1. Animals must be identified by chip.
  2. Only 1 dog is allowed per passenger.
  3. The last subway train is reserved especially for dogs.
  4. They cannot occupy seats.
  5. They can use the elevators, to go up or down to the stations.
  6. They must be with the muzzle, accompanied and with a strap that does not measure more than 50 cm.
  7. The passenger is responsible for the integrity of the pet and for the inconvenience it may cause.
  8. Timetables for traveling with dogs on the Madrid metro are limited to hours with the lowest flow of passengers. The following hours are prohibited: 7:30 am to 9:30 am and 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
  9. Metro employees have the right to prohibit the entry of animals for safety reasons.
  10. On weekends and holidays, there is no time restriction.

And how is the metro in Barcelona?

The law allowing dogs to travel on public transport dates from October 1, 2014. As long as the animals have a chip and are registered in the municipal census, they are welcome on the subway.

Of course, he also has his time restrictions. They cannot access the subway at peak hours: from 7 am to 9:30 am, and from 5 pm to 7 pm. The rest of the day, as well as on weekends and holidays, there is no restriction.

Small breed dogs can travel at any time of the day, as long as they are in the transport box. In addition, only 1 dog is allowed per passenger, and the pet must wear a muzzle and a strap with a maximum length of 50 cm throughout the journey.

To enter the stations, they can use elevators and common stairs (not escalators), and cannot occupy seats. It is also good to know that the owner is responsible for the inconvenience and damage that your pet may cause and that, in times of great crowding of users, security personnel can limit the entry of dogs.

What is the situation in Brazil?

In Brazil, we are still lagging behind in terms of transporting animals in public transport, such as the subway.

In addition to guide dogs, it is not possible to transport cats or dogs on Brazilian subways. But the good news is that, in many Brazilian cities, it is possible to transport your pet on buses, as long as they are in adequate transport boxes and do not exceed two animals per passenger.

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