How Long Can Your Dog Stay In The Pool?

Too many hours in the pool can cause your pet to drink too much water, which often contains harmful chemicals such as chlorine. 
How long can your dog stay in the pool?

For some people, the idea of ​​bathing or playing with a dog in the pool may seem strange. 

But more and more people want  to have fun on a sunny day and cool off with our furry friends.

Next, we’ll look at some  tips  on how long your dog can stay in the pool. And how to enjoy this period with him in a safe and healthy way.

Can I take a bath with my dog ​​in the pool?

Many people believe that sharing a pool with a dog can be unsanitary or dangerous. But,  with proper care and good hygiene habits, this practice should not pose any risk to our health.

Like us,  many dogs love to cool off and have fun in the water during hot days. 

Breeds such as the Labrador, Newfoundland and water dogs, for example, demonstrate an innate appreciation for play and water sports.

Therefore,  more and more owners choose to retrofit their pools or install a dog pool at home. 

During the summer, this is an excellent alternative to exercise our pets, soften the heat and strengthen our bond with them.

Of course,  this fun requires certain precautions and preventive measures to ensure everyone’s safety.

For this reason, we’ve summarized some  tips  to help you enjoy summer days with your dog in the pool.

dog in pool with ball

Tips to enjoy the summer with your dog in the pool

Adapt the pool or purchase a special one for your dog

Just as we take care of children when we have a pool at home, we also have to protect our dogs: there are different risks associated with a day at the pool.

Due to their naturally curious and energetic character,  our dogs will always try to discover new elements of the house or simply have fun  for a while.

But we must never let a dog in or be alone in a pool, to avoid any accident.

If we have a pool at home,  we must include protections (eg fences) to keep out children or dogs without our supervision.

In addition, it is important to install at least ladders that allow the dog to enter and exit the pool more easily.

On the other hand,  if your furry one likes to be in the water, a good idea is to have a special pool for dogs.

These products are manufactured in “extra hard and resistant” materials, having a longer service life. And its structure is designed for the physical structure and needs of our dogs.

Pay attention to how long the dog stays in the pool

We all know that  dogs are capable of playing for hours non-stop because of their incredible energy level. However, it is important to pay attention to how long the dog is in the pool.

If an animal is in water for many hours, it  may ingest water, which contains chemicals such as chlorine. This is harmful not only to the lungs, but also to the pet’s skin and mucous membranes.

swimming for dogs

Once again, we reaffirm that  a dog can only be in the pool under the supervision of its owners. Our dogs can experience temporary cramps or numbness while in the water.

This prevents them from moving properly to get out of the pool and can therefore have a serious accident.

Therefore, many experts also recommend that  dogs wear leash when they are in the pool.

That way, in any emergency, their owners can move them more easily and quickly get them out of the water.

Reinforce your furry’s preventive medicine before sharing the pool

Before sharing the pool with your dog, it  is essential to take precautions to preserve your health and that of everyone in your environment.

When summer starts, it is recommended to carry out the internal and external deworming of your dog. It is advisable to take him to the vet to check his health and see if he is fit to enjoy the pool.

Remember to apply sunscreen all over the animal’s body to protect it from the sun’s rays. 

Excessive exposure to solar radiation is very harmful to our pets’ health. In addition to causing burns, it increases the risk of serious illnesses such as skin cancer.

It is also  essential to reinforce your dog’s hydration in the summer to avoid dehydration.

Finally, it is vital to offer a diet rich in high quality fluids, vitamins, minerals and proteins.

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