How To Greet An Unknown Dog

How to Greet an Unknown Dog

Surely you have already found a dog  in the street and tried to approach him, trying to greet him. The first contact with a c The you can’t The be very nice and become at It’s  dangerous. IT’S why in this article we share some tips on how you are supposed to greet a ç The the unknown.

Some tips

greeting a dog

  • Make contact with a c The what you don’t know might be a somewhat dangerous attempt . remember that the animal  may feel scared when you and  if  approach  and perhaps understand your friendly gestures as a threat W a and not as a friendly approach. If he sees you like that, he can be violent. Ent The o, how do I know if a c The op Can it be potentially hostile? O first sign that you help The to determine if a c The O It’s friend The vel, will be given by the attitude  and the animal’s body language.
  • If you and observe that the animal goes towards you here the openly, he captures The your smell, the  tail move The and keep The high. But be careful: a c The O unknown always be The on alert with the people around you, so maybe when you get close, the animal will emit some bark. If so, the best It’s  to talk  softly and lovingly The vel, in a low voice, for us The o scare him.
  • Approach the c The the slowly. N The put the hands The the ones on the knees,  it will make a reaction difficult  if you and  need to escape because the c The decided to attack you. The key to establishing communication It’s be patient . let the c The follow you and always call him  with soft voice. Be respectful of the dog’s choice what if wish, leave some food near the c The o, but never play it  directly towards you here O.

  • when the The the smell of your mother The o, most suitable It’s  stay  quiet and im O vel. Let him take as long as he needs to get you  to meet . If you and note that it conveys a certain tranquility, caress the chest or neck W that of the animal.
  • If you and get the c The accompany you along the way, be very careful of us The the gesture threatens W adorers. Dogs can interpret it as a signal of aggression The o and maybe they think you and is The looking for fight. For N The the baffle him , look at the c The o and hold out your hand The the towards here o the back. this position here O It’s less threat W love if you and  be with the m The the open. Al It’s bad thing, decreases the chances that the animal will bite your hand and fingers.
  • If the animal doesn’t The the want to get closer to you and,  pay close attention here the na  his body language . The C The you always send a lot of adverts and before attacking. If he shows signs of fear or discomfort, such as feeling cornered or restricted and no room for  escape, the most advisable The vel It’s leave him alone  immediately. In case of opinion  neutral or curious n The the fan W The no Sinal of advert and ance, It’s can there see that it approaches towards you , but never leave The to be alert while doing this. In case he shows his teeth properly threat W loves , no The O retire . keep calm always It’s the best defense.
  • Some  of the signs of fear or attack common to  which ones you should be aware of The O:

Bark acute;

– Teeth sample;

– Fur  bristly;

– Squat with the m u tense centuries with the tail r there giddy  possibly between the legs;

other signs s The what the animal is  standing up It’s , with the m u tense centuries with the tail r there swollen, like half-stem, ears flattened or flattened.  close to  you and with the head W the low.

What should you do when an unknown dog ap get close to you

dog caress

be quiet en The don’t even move your hands The the nor your body in excess . Speak in a low voice. Wait to see the attitude that the ç The will have it . If he goes  am The vel, crouch and react  carefully; always watching, to ensure that your attitude remains pleasing. The vel in The threatens him W loves it. If he seems nervous in any way, keep your cool en The the fan W nothing to approach or interact with.

if he eats W air to move in c there circles around you and get  stay behind The only you and , try to go around slowly, so that you and stand before him. But remember: no The move your arms W the ones or the legs.

Finally, Never d and  my back to a dog  that is moving for O close to you and . N The o get up The unique in The run it. wait until It’s to stop and then walk away slowly away from him.

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