How To Help A Choking Dog?

How to help a choking dog?

It is quite common for a dog to choke on an object and cannot breathe. To rescue a choking dog, you must follow some specific measures. The first one is to stay calm, otherwise everything can become much more difficult.

The owners’ state of mind easily infects their  dogs.  If the dog shows symptoms of choking, he will be agitated a lot. And if, at the same time, it observes that its owner has panicked, the animal will be even more frightened. This will make any assistance maneuver difficult.

It is always a good idea to have the vet’s phone number handy. In addition, it is recommended to add the data of a professional or an institution that serves 24 hours. Sometimes it is necessary to rely on the doctor’s direct instructions to rescue a choking dog.

First thing: check the dog’s condition

Dogs often show symptoms of choking for different reasons. Some breeds have very large palates. This is common in the pug, Pekinese, sausage dog, and generally in small dog breeds. We are mainly talking about those who have snouts that are flattened or not very protruding.

dog lying on the mat

Authors: Christine and David Schmitt

This type of palate makes it so that, when the dog inhales too hard, it pushes the palate into the trachea. In this way, your breathing is stopped. However, it is a condition that can be resolved quickly on its own without major consequences.

The so-called “kennel cough” or the presence of heart failure, also make the dog breathe with difficulty. In these cases, it is not necessary to take action to rescue a choking dog, but take it to the vet.

Ways to rescue a choking dog

When the choking is caused by an object that is stuck, it is necessary to act quickly, but also calmly. The best thing is to open the dog’s muzzle and check if the object can be seen with the naked eye. If this is found, you should take tweezers and remove the object with utmost care.

If the dog is frantic, it’s better not to try. In this case, it is advisable to call the veterinarian and follow the instructions given by him, or take the pet directly to emergency care.

One maneuver that can also be tried is to hold the dog so that its muzzle is pointed towards the ground. Then shake him so that gravity helps him expel the object causing his choke. If the dog is large, it should be picked up by its hind legs, as if it were a wheelbarrow.

In addition, you can try tapping the back so that it can expel the stuck object. Just take 4 or 5 taps with an open hand over the area between the shoulder blades. You can repeat the procedure if it doesn’t work the first time.

The Heimlich Maneuver

In case the above procedures fail, it is possible to try the Heimlich Maneuver. If you choose it, you should be very careful when practicing it. Ideally, you have someone else to help you. The steps to follow are:

  • Hug the dog around the waist, with his head pointing to the ground. You should hold it firmly, but not too tight.
  • It is recommended that someone else also hold you by the fur that is around your neck at the same time. This helps to keep you steady and to contain you if you are too restless.
  • The position of the hands should be this: one in the shape of a fist and the other covering it.
  • The hands should be right under the thoracic area, in the area where the bones end and the soft part begins.
  • Between 3 and 5 pushes in and out should be given at the same time. It is necessary to be careful not to overdo it, as this can hurt or even fracture the dog.
  • The operation must be repeated between 3 and 4 times, making small breaks between one series and another.

dog lying on top of a book

Author: Soggydan Benenovitch

The most important thing when performing this maneuver is to dose the force. Not so weak that it has no effect, nor so strong that it hurts an animal that has suffered a domestic accident. Special caution must be exercised when dealing with small dogs.

In any case, after applying these emergency procedures, take the dog to the veterinarian. The professional will verify that no collateral damage has been caused.

Main image source: myri_bonnie.

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