How To Improve A Guinea Pig’s Cage

Check out information about the ideal type of “housing” for this rodent. That is, the total area available for him to move, and the ideal conditions for food and hygiene.
How to improve a guinea pig's cage

Guinea pigs are social, affectionate and expressive animals. They are satisfied with little to live on. However,  you can improve a guinea pig’s cage in a simple way. Thus, it is possible to increase your pet’s quality of life.

Before improving a guinea pig’s cage

In order to improve a guinea pig’s cage, it  is necessary to verify that it meets the animal’s basic needs. For example, don’t let it live in an aquarium. That’s because it accumulates a lot of moisture. Also, your pet needs to be in an open space, such as a cage with bars.

Another basic requirement is food bowls. Two must be provided if, in addition to fresh vegetables, you give them ration; that way the food doesn’t mix and it doesn’t spoil before its time. These rodents  often use special drinkers, although some prefer a bowl.  In any case, always leave fresh, clean water at the animal’s disposal. 

Some cages are sold with a special hay compartment. Even if yours doesn’t have it,  don’t forget that the mainstay of the guinea pig diet is dry hay. It is essential that your guinea pig always has access to it. Whether you put it down or use a feeder.

guinea pig noises

Finally, guinea pigs like to sleep in a shelter. At the very least, it should have a hiding place made of wood, or some material that can be gnawed on.  This is the ideal type of environment for him to rest.

Once you have all these basics, we can start thinking about how to improve your guinea pig’s cage.

The substrate

The floor of the cage must be smooth and without bars. In addition, it must have an absorbent substrate that can eliminate or contain all the moisture generated by the animal. There are many different types of rodent substrates. However, if you want to improve a guinea pig’s cage, you can try new substrates.

Avoid filling the floor of the cage with hay, as for these rodents this is food. There are   pressed straw pellets , recycled paper, etc. that work best. Look for a type that is non-toxic and comfortable for the guinea pig. Then test to see if he likes it.

The toys

One of the easiest ways to improve a guinea pig’s cage is to add toys or distractions. Toys must be suitable for the animal to chew.  In addition, it needs to be comfortable to wear  and have no detachable parts that the animal can swallow.

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Discard the exercise wheels as they do a lot of back damage. They are designed for hamsters, which are completely different animals. Instead,  bet on tunnels, nets, granola bars to gnaw on and different floors to climb and descend. Guinea pigs don’t need to get a lot of physical exercise: they are quiet animals.

better bowls

Many guinea pigs dump food from their feeder and spread it on the ground. The feed is dry and odorless, but fresh vegetables immediately begin to rot.  Especially when rodents hide it inside houses or even under their own bowls.

Your guinea pig and you could benefit from heavier bowls. This way, it is more difficult for the animal to be able to turn it over or drop it. In addition, it is even possible to make a container that attaches to the cage bars. This detail can make your pet’s cleaning much easier.

Add floors and increase surface

If you think your guinea pig’s cage already has it all, consider increasing the surface. These animals do not like to climb and are quite clumsy, but many cages allow the construction of a second floor. This floor can be accessed via a ramp.

The more space the guinea pig has to walk and explore, the more comfortable it will be. Also,  you can add more toys or cabins without obstructing your way. Although it seems paradoxical, with more space, you can dedicate a corner to food and it will be easier to keep clean.

Guinea pigs are small, affectionate and expressive rodents. They need few comforts to live happily. However, we can always provide better cages and more toys to keep them entertained. Don’t forget to maintain a proper diet and maintain cage hygiene to enjoy your rodent for many years.

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