How To Improve The Immune System Of Dogs?

How to improve the dog's immune system?

Having healthy and happy pets is generally a priority for most pet owners. One way to prevent animals from getting sick is to ensure that defenses are at satisfactory levels.

Improving the dog’s immune system will help keep the animal away from possible health complications. Therefore, you must take extra care if you have puppies and elderly animals, as in these phases they are in a more vulnerable situation.

Dogs may also have low immunity.

The immune system is responsible for protecting us from a variety of infectious agents such  as bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses. If for various reasons you are depressed, you get sick more often and more easily. Have you noticed and related the two things?

Furthermore, as nothing is perfect, failures in this system occur and so-called autoimmune diseases arise, such as asthma, lupus or diabetes.

It’s the same with dogs. If their immune system is weakened or wrong, they start to show different signs that something is wrong with their health.

Signs that your dog’s defenses are down

Assessing Dog Ears

Pay attention if the following signs are recurrent in your furry friend, they may indicate that your pet’s immune defenses should be boosted:

  • Ear infections;
  • Allergies;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Conjunctivitis;

Causes That Can Weaken Your Pet’s Immune System

The factors for a dog to have a weak immune system can be physical or psychological. Nor should we discount external reasons. Between them:

  • Exposure to sudden changes in temperature or an excess or lack of moisture in the atmosphere;
  • Pollution;
  • Internal and external parasites;
  • Stress;
  • Nutritional deficit;

Be especially careful with puppies or elderly animals as their immune system is weaker.

Tips to improve your dog’s immune system

There are many actions you can take to improve your furry friend’s immune system. So, consider the following topics, which will definitely help bolster your four-legged friend’s defenses:

  • Offer a balanced diet that covers all nutritional requirements of your race, age and size. Deworm it both internally and externally with vaccination according to the schedule defined by the veterinarian;
  • Ensure daily enough time to take your pet for a walk and exercise outdoors;
  • Try not to smoke indoors where your pet is.
  • Do not expose it to areas recently treated with chemicals for cleaning or disinfection;
  • To relax, offer him a clean environment with a suitable temperature, well ventilated, but free from cold drafts.;
  • Don’t take it outside when temperatures are extreme;
  • Dry it well, if it got wet in any unforeseen circumstances;
  • Pay special attention to dampening the stress that often happens to animals with changes in the family environment  (deaths, births, separations, changes, a new pet).

An extra booster

dogs eating apple
Author: Misschien
Another option when it comes to improving furry defenses is vitamin supplements. Although vitamin needs should preferably be met through a balanced diet, in some cases, it is a good option to give furry ones these supplements.

But keep in mind that it should only be given with veterinary advice, as excess vitamins can be toxic and end up being more harmful than lack of vitamins.

If, however, the dog is indicating that something is wrong with his defense, maybe it is time for the professional to indicate more specific tests to find the source of the problem.

A dog with high defenses is a happy dog.

Remember to check your pet’s health, this is also a good option to demonstrate how much you love him.

Making sure your immune system is strong any time of the year is essential to staying healthy, strong and happy.

So always consult your trusted veterinarian for advice on the best ways for your four-legged friend to always have good defenses up.
Image Credits: LuAnn Snawder Photography.

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