How To Make Cats And Dogs Get Along

It is possible for canine and feline specimens to form a bond, although we must take into account the personalities of both animals and act accordingly. The action of the owners of both pets will be fundamental for a friendship between them.
How to make cats and dogs get along

Cats and dogs are known to have one of nature’s most famous rivalries, so how can they get along? Today we offer a series of techniques that will help to improve the relationship between dogs and cats.

Dog and cat: the most famous enemies

Throughout history, we were introduced to a series of scenes of rivalries between dogs and cats, and from that, we learned that both breeds hate each other by nature. Although there is some opposition between the two species, hate is not always present.

The truth is that  there is a hunter-prey relationship  between the two animals, in which the hunter is the dog, while the cat plays the role of prey.

The attitudes of both animals also reveal a lot the role each one plays, although it is not always the same. The roles are rarely reversed, although it all depends on the animals’ personality.

dog and cat embraced

Despite this,  there have been many cases where cats and dogs coexist in complete harmony and peace,  and we bet you ask yourself: how do you get that? Well, it’s very simple: education.

The key to friendship between dog and cat

If you hopelessly want to live with both species, we can say that both are wonderful and we can learn a lot from them. So don’t despair, patience is a great requirement to have both as a company.

The first step is to understand the personality of your animals. Keep in mind that there are a lot of cats with shy and uncontrollable personalities, as well as others who are friendlier and more mature.

Likewise, there are dogs that are more  aggressive  and dominant, just as there are those that are friendly and playful. Everything, I repeat, it  all depends on your pet’s personalities so that the process becomes more or less simple.

Dog and cat

Introduction Processes

For this partnership to coexist properly, we will give some tips that will serve for the good coexistence of both species:

Introducing a Cat to a Dog

This event is usually the most common in families, and the best we can advise in this case is to  follow the process of adapting a cat to a new home. We’ll just let the dog sniff the cat’s scent until he gets used to it.

Dog and cat

When  this happens, we  will leave the cat free around the house: always leaving the dog tied up so as not to scare the cat. Little by little, the dog should get looser until the two animals coexist without attacking each other.

Introducing a Dog to a Cat

The arrival of a dog in a cat’s house can be considered an offense to the feline, so you should be very attentive to the signals it will give.

It’s worth noting that a cat’s intuition is greater than a dog’s, so he’ll know what’s going on long before the dog walks through the door. Depending on the cat’s personality, it will either hide or stay in the same place. Beware too, as he might even run away from home.

cão e gato

The dog, when arriving, will smell the whole place and notice the presence of the cat.  Given this circumstance, we advise you to always be present to observe the behavior of both.

The most common thing is that, in this case, the dog keeps getting to know his new home  and occasionally pays attention to the cat again. When he’s done, he’ll have accepted the cat as part of his new home.

What happens if they don’t get along?

In that case, we will have to find ways to improve the relationship between the two animals, and what better way to do that than with their pampering? When it comes to pampering one of the two, don’t hold back,  this action will reinforce the idea that both are accepted by the owner and the other must do so.

girl, dog and cat

The safest thing is for the other animal to approach you asking for love and this will be your opportunity to caress them both. By doing this, you will avoid jealousy conflicts that may arise between the two animals.

Try a warm cloth:  this technique involves  rubbing it into the coat of one of the two  and then rubbing it on the other. With this,  we will be creating a kind of association of odors between the two species.

And most importantly:  patience. Not all animals are the same, so  this process can take days to weeks to successfully complete. Try not to force too much interaction between them and, importantly, prevent them from associating calls with hostility.

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