How To Properly Raise A Chihuahua

How to properly raise a Chihuahua

“Small but brave” is something we often hear about the breed we’re going to talk about today. The Chihuahua, despite being small, is very undisciplined and destructive when it is a puppy, like any other dog. However, when they are well educated, they are a love and make you want to eat them.

Sometimes his small size can make us think of him as a baby, and we can be more forgiving about things he does compared to a big dog, who we wouldn’t allow to do the same. Therefore, it is important to learn how to educate your Chihuahua finding the necessary balance.

5 Steps to Educating Your Chihuahua

Chihuahua Characteristics

Chihuahuas are aggressive dogs if not properly educated, so we’ll give you some advice that we hope will be helpful.

  • Teach him to socialize. Surely at some point you’ve seen a not-very-well-bred Chihuahua and noticed by its growls and barks at both other dogs and other people. Hence the importance that, if you have a Chihuahua, help it to socialize from an early age. Help him get used to being with other people and other dogs that are not part of the family and you will make your chihuahua a loving and beautiful dog.
  • Set the standards. Talk to other family members and decide with them what your Chihuahua can do and cannot do, what you want to teach him. So everyone can act accordingly. It is important that no member breaks these rules no matter how small it may seem, as the Chihuahua’s character can make him revolt.
  • Give the dog his place in the house. Due to its small size and its adaptability, the chihuahua is an ideal dog to live indoors. But for that, you have to tell him where to sleep, where to eat, where to do his needs, and put a bed and bowls different from the other dogs in the house, if there are others.
  • Fix wrong behaviors. If your Chihuahua behaves wrongly and doesn’t follow the rules, we don’t need to fight with him, just say “no” in a firm, low voice. Punish him with an attitude such as removing a toy or leaving the park before an established time. Chihuahuas are very intelligent and will know how to relate their behavior to the punishment imposed, and that way we will make sure they don’t repeat it again.
  • Don’t treat him like a baby. Its small size can be deceiving and we can see our chihuahua as an eternal puppy. Nothing further from reality. When they are adults, they are like any other dog and, therefore, we should treat them as such.

We’ll also talk about the care your chihuahua needs, as its small size makes it special and therefore it needs special care.

Caring for your chihuahua


The food

Although Chihuahuas don’t need a lot of food, as they are very small, it should be of good quality. This is essential due to the delicacy of your little stomach. We agree with the fact that it will be more expensive than a standard kibble, but in the long run it will help save on vet visits.

Veterinary visit

Take him to the vet every year for revisions, even if he doesn’t have any symptoms of illness. They are easy dogs to get sick and an annual checkup will save you a lot of heartache.


While it may seem like running around the house is enough for them, this is not the case. Like any other dog, the Chihuahua needs to walk. However, keep in mind that it shouldn’t be too hot, as it’s hard to breathe for them due to the small size of its mouth, so don’t take exaggeratedly long walks. Take a walk at least once a day.

Chihuahuas may require more care than other types of dogs, but they are a perfect choice if you want a dog that is independent and small that you can keep in your apartment.

Images courtesy of Stuart Richards and Angie Tarantino.

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