How To Relax A Dog

how to relax a dog

Yes, dogs also feel stressed, suffer from nerves and need to relax. Leaving aside issues such as genetic factors, which will require specific veterinary treatment, pets, like humans, are emotionally affected by issues of everyday life. There are, however, techniques that relax and restore harmony to our dear animal. Caresses, massages and walks can be simple, cheap and effective solutions.

Why is my dog ​​stressed?

Causes of stress in dogs?

There are several situations that can change an animal’s emotions.

– Noises caused by storms or fireworks and others arising from certain festivities

– Changes

– Temporary accommodation of dogs or hotels when the family goes on vacation

– The arrival of a baby at home

– The arrival of another pet at home

– The stage of canine pregnancy

Also note that if you are stressed or nervous, your dog can “get” it from you.

Even if you don’t scream or show other aggressive reactions, remember that animals are very sensitive and have the ability to detect these states and be affected by them.

Tips for Relaxing a Dog

We’ll give you some tips that will help him, and you too, relax and take a break from the routine that is always so fast-paced.

–  Speak in a soft, loving voice as you caress him.

– Sit down with your pet in a quiet place in the house and give him a massage. Start gently at the head, ears and neck. Go to the spine and, don’t forget, you should also massage your legs. With these practices, you will return, at least in part, the same physical contact that he would have in nature with his peers.

– Go out for a walk with him. But walk a lot. The idea is not just for him to do what he needs and come back. It’s walking along quiet streets with little traffic. And walk slowly. The aim is to enjoy the tour and relax a bit.

– Take him to a park where you can unleash him and leave him free to run and play. Start enjoying, together, a little more fresh air and greenery. And if he gets tired, after so much physical activity, he will sleep more relaxed and wake up refreshed. And maybe you too.

Passeios tranquilos

– If you live near a river or the sea, take it for a swim. Dogs generally love water and remember that it is relaxing. In recent times, pools for pets have emerged. If your budget allows, it might be an option to consider.

– Relax with music too. Listening to relaxing music, especially classical ones, will also help your dog relax.

– Try not to confuse it with contradictory attitudes. Put yourself in agreement with the family members so that they all give the same kind of signals to the dog.

Obviously, the ideal would be to be able to anticipate and look for ways to avoid or alleviate stress, anxiety or nervousness. But it’s not always possible.

For specific events, such as noise from the use of fireworks at certain festivities, you can administer sedative drops. Consult your veterinarian about the proper dose.

But other issues will require patience and a lot of love. Because as with people, don’t hide the symptom, but try to find its cause so things can be resolved quickly.

If problems persist, you will have to call a veterinarian to avoid the bad health consequences for your pet in the long run.

You may need a massage professional to apply them. There are clinics specializing in the subject. Other possible treatments can be found in homeopathy, Bach flower essences or aromatherapy.

There are homeopathic remedies that are effective and without side effects, they do not produce addiction or addiction.

Collars and pheromone diffusers are also useful . These substances, which bitches release when they nurse their puppies, have been found to have a calming effect on dogs.

Perhaps you should combine different treatments that soothe your dog. But remember that the key element will always be a word of affection and affection.

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