How To Take Care Of Your Pet If You Have A Balcony At Home

What precautions to take with your pet if you have a balcony at home

If you have a porch at home, it’s understandable that you’re afraid to leave your pet alone. Animals act on instinct and do not think about the consequences of their actions. A dog doesn’t say to itself “if I go out on the porch, I’m going to fall.”

Obviously, you’re not going to move house or abandon your four-legged friend to avoid danger. So what to do? Take some care. In this article, we’ll tell you which ones are most important and how to put them into practice.

What precautions to take with a porch at home

In addition to the danger of falling, there are other risks that can compromise your pet’s health. So stay tuned for our advice.

watch out for the puppies

Puppies are very small in any space. Therefore, we have to be extremely careful to avoid accidents. What can you do so that your pet can safely enjoy the terrace or balcony?

It is best to install a plastic net  that covers the underside of the crate and prevents the animal from passing through it.

Make sure the net is securely fastened in all parts so that the animal does not get hurt by biting it. If you don’t trust plastic, you can choose to add wood, although this will obstruct the passage of light.

Get rid of toxic plants

As we talked about before, falling is not the only danger on a porch. The plants used in the decoration of the environment also put your pet’s health at risk.

Talk to a veterinarian and tell them what plants you have at home. There are some that can cause damage with a simple touch to the skin. There are also others that, when ingested, can lead to death.

Provide some shade

One of the main causes of death for pets is heat stroke. Be aware of this after taking the above steps. Make the environment have a little shade  so that the animal protects itself on very hot days.

Although your pet likes to sunbathe once in a while, don’t think it’s possible to spend hours tanning without any danger.

leave the door open

The porch, just like for you, should be a resting place for your pet, not a time-out space, to keep it stranded. Leave the door open so the animal can come and go at will.

don’t leave him alone

Being alone for a long time is not pleasant for anyone, least of all for your furry one. If you leave him alone for too long, he may relate the porch to something negative and will not enjoy the space.

As we mentioned before,  the porch is not a good option for the dog not to be at home. That’s why we believe you won’t leave him alone anymore. Separation anxiety can lead your pet to do crazy things. What’s more, being stuck on the porch could give you ideas that would hurt you and bring you a lot of suffering.

The porch should be a pleasant place for everyone. Let your four-legged friend enjoy this part of the house the same way you do and, as we’ve already advised, don’t use it as a punishment area.

The balcony or terrace you have at home can pose some dangers for the animal. But if you take care, everything will be under control and your furry can be happy taking advantage of this space.

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