How To Teach Your Dog To Be Quiet

How to teach your dog to be quiet

Let’s face it, who doesn’t love having a mischievous puppy? The truth is, they’re adorable and the art they make is fun, until they reach a certain age… when this excess energy can end up resulting in stress or destruction of objects. Therefore, it is essential to prevent the fluffy puppy from turning into a naughty dog.

However, this is not just about convenience. Getting a dog to be quiet when receiving this order can even save his life, particularly at times when natural instincts dictate that the animal run towards any point and expose itself to the danger of being run over by a car or being attacked by another dangerous animal (such as a snake or even a bigger dog, among others).

But how to teach a dog to be quiet? In fact, it’s not that complicated, it just requires repetition and firmness so that, in a short time, he’ll stop when we ask him to wait. To get to that point, you must follow these steps:

Step 1: Give orders frequently


Example will be your best ally in this case. To do this, you can simply walk with your dog at your side and, as you walk, stop several times and say, on these occasions, in a firm way, the word “quiet”. 

It’s important that your tone of voice be firm during this training phase so that he gets used to your authority.

It’s still important to realize that at this stage the dog stops because you did it, not necessarily in order, however, this stage is the basis for teaching him the sound of the word  “quiet” since, obviously, they don’t understand directly our language.

Nor should you lose patience if he tries to keep walking when you stop. You just have to repeat the “quiet” order and don’t allow it to go further than the guide’s reach.

More than anything you need to maintain your authority. If you give in, allowing him to move when he wants to, that’s the lesson he’ll learn, not keep quiet.

Step 2: Teach him to follow you

Once he is already standing still and you decide to resume the tour, you should indicate that it is time to continue giving an order for him to walk with you. It can be a “let’s” or a “come”. The important thing is that I teach him to obey you.

This is necessary because there will be times when the dog can decide on its own and times when you will want it to follow you, so when you learn this order properly, simply call it when necessary for it to follow you without no inconvenience.

Step 3: The routine

Once your dog learns to follow your orders, he will need to keep using them until the “quiet” order is fully effective in stopping his walk.

At this stage, doing this repeatedly on every walk and every opportunity you get will help your dog get used to following orders naturally and without further complications.

Step 4: Teach similar orders

Once he has learned the order of “quiet”, it will be possible to proceed to the next step, which will be to add this order to the sound of a whistle or a whistle, since this noise will have a greater range  and, due to its frequency, the dog will be more likely to hear you from a distance.

You should test the dog, giving the order to be quiet and alternating it with a clearly identifiable and different whistle or whistle as you give the order to advance or follow until, with just the sound, the dog understands what it needs to do.

Step 5: The final test

You will know that your dog has definitely learned to be quiet and/or move forward when the order is with his voice, whistle or whistle, and he obeys at all times, especially when the dog is off the lead.

Additional Advice for Teaching Your Dog


– You can positively reinforce the command each time it is complied with with an incentive, giving a hug, saying nice things or even offering a treat as a prize.

– It is important to have patience and remain calm. Remember that learning takes time, so you should never yell or hit him for disobedience.

– Always remember that orders must be clear, short and authoritative. A dog won’t understand a big command like “Be still quiet Typhoon. If you cross the street, cars can run over you and hurt you.” It doesn’t work with animals. Use only “quiet”. It’s enough.

– You must never forget that it is important to maintain authority with your pets,  despite all the affection and pampering you give them.

If they are well educated, they can become adults who obey without complaint and, in this way, they will be prevented from being exposed to dangerous situations and going through unnecessary stressful situations, since, above all, it is very beneficial to have a pet at home .

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