Ideal Environment For Parakeets: Learn How To Prepare

Many choose parakeets as pets because they believe they do not require as much care as, for example, a dog. Learn how to create an ideal environment for parakeets.
Ideal environment for parakeets: learn how to prepare

The parakeet is one of the loveliest birds around. Their colors are charming and, because of their intelligence, some are capable of being domesticated.  Therefore, they are some of the most popular species among people looking for a pet. Therefore, it is essential to find out about the ideal environment for parakeets, as this is one of the main ways to keep them healthy and happy.

Tips on the ideal environment for parakeets

Having a pet means committing to the long-term care of the animal.  For this, it is necessary to be informed about all aspects that may directly infect the new family member.

Many people choose to have parakeets as pets, believing that they do not require as much care as a dog. And that’s true.

However, they are delicate animals and, despite being easier to keep them, should not be treated with less care.  Aspects such as an ideal environment for parakeets, humidity, temperature and feeding must always be taken into account.

The care of your parakeets


One of the most important aspects to take into account when raising parakeets is the temperature.  The main reason is because they are delicate birds, making the ideal environment very important.

In this sense, it is essential to remember that parakeets do better with cool temperatures than with heat.  The reason? They cannot sweat, making it difficult for them to regulate their body temperature. The only way these birds can relieve heat is to quickly open and close the beak.

The ideal temperature for parakeets varies between 25 and 27ºC.  It is very important that they stay in the shade at all times, especially during the hot summer temperatures.

How to prepare the ideal environment for parakeets

Likewise, if the house has air conditioning, it is essential to ensure that it does not reach them directly, as this could be fatal. A cool temperature and keeping them in the shade are the most important aspects.


Another key aspect of preserving the parakeet’s health is keeping it in a dry area. In other words, the ideal environment for parakeets should have a cool temperature and should be an area of ​​low humidity.


Good nutrition means good health for parakeets.  It must be balanced and can be natural or processed. Currently, in markets and specialty stores, you can get processed food for this animal. Their menu mainly includes canary seed, hemp, corn, oats and other seeds.

Maintaining the ideal environment for parakeets

Taking care of parakeets is very simple. However, on many occasions, aspects such as the seasons of the year can harm the health of these animals. Temperature is one of the most important aspects, but also one that we can hardly control.

If summer temperatures are too high, one of the tips is to spray the cage with a sprayer.  That way they can cool off. Another tip is to leave a bathtub with less than an inch of warm water and allow them to play and bathe.

The ideal environment for parakeets

On the other hand, if the humidity is too high, it is best to buy a dehumidifier and place it where the parakeets live.  It’s important to remember that your airways are very sensitive.

Other tips for caring for your parakeets

Another recommendation is to place the cage at eye level.  So it will be neither too high nor too low. The ideal is to place it on a fixed piece of furniture or nailed to the wall.

Never place the cage over the washer or dryer as these small birds are very sensitive to vibrations.

Keeping them away from televisions is also very important. The reason is because both the image and the sound torment them. Keeping them cool, in the shade, but in a bright place, is also essential for them to be happy.

However, without a doubt, the most important aspect is to take care of them with a lot of love.  They are very sensitive animals, which respond very well to displays of affection.

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