If You Have Old Cats Read This

If you have old cats read this

Older cats can be a real challenge, especially because the illnesses in them are not easily noticeable. So, give due attention to the following changes in your health.

Changes in Appetite of Elderly Cats

Cats tend to absorb their food less effectively as they get older, so an increase in appetite without any kind of weight gain can be quite normal.  So, whether it’s a noticeable increase or a decrease in food intake, both can be a warning sign.

Problems that can cause weight loss can also cause the appetite to increase as the cat’s body tries to compensate, but there is a wide range of problems that can cause a cat to stray from its food.

This should be obvious in households where there is only one cat, but in households with multiple cats it is vital to observe the cats when eating, as this is the best way to monitor proper food intake.


Some of the illnesses related to changes in food intake are hyperthyroidism, kidney problems, oral diseases, among others. Keep in mind that parasites are infrequent in older cats, unless the cat eats a poor diet or feeds outside the home.

weight loss or gain

If your cat has developed any changes in its eating routine, this will show up in its weight. For example, it is recommended to change your food for some lighter ones, this will make the absorption of nutrients and their digestion easier, if you have taken this precaution, leaving out the loss of muscle tone part, it will be very difficult for your cat to lose weight.

Generally, weight changes in older cats are due to the fact that they do less physical activity, so they must feed according to their energy needs.

If your cat is losing or gaining weight and you don’t know why, it is best to see a veterinarian, as this could be due to a hormonal problem or another type of illness.

However, identifying changes in a cat’s weight can be very difficult, so it is recommended to monitor its weight weekly from age 8 onwards.

Masses or lumps

The chances of acquiring any type of cancer in cats increases with age, although not all tumors are cancerous, even those that are, often they can be successfully treated. You should get into the habit of checking your cat regularly for any kind of abnormal inflammation, and if you notice any, you can make a diagnosis quickly.

bad breath

meowing cat

The accumulation of tartar on a cat’s teeth in old age is inevitable, but dental disease is a common cause of bad breath.

Sometimes this could be due to a more serious oral problem, such as a tumor in the oral cavity, or it could be a symptom of a general health problem, such as kidney or liver disease.

Regular health checks should include a dental health check, but you should seek immediate veterinary attention if your cat develops bad breath unexpectedly.

Changes in behavior

Owners often take their cat to the veterinarian when something doesn’t seem in keeping with their pet’s normal behavior, and very often, exams reveal a problem.

One example is mobility, as cats with arthritis often don’t have obvious lameness, but they become less active and stop doing things they were used to doing, like jumping on furniture.

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