Instagram Profiles About Famous Dogs

Instagram profiles about the most famous dogs

Dogs are also ‘fans’ of social media. Also, there are some who, in addition to being well-known, are real experts when they put themselves in front of the camera. Check out some Instagram profiles about dogs!

Being an instagramer (or digital influencer) is in, and our pets don’t want to miss the opportunity to earn money by showing off their charms.

There are many dogs and other pets that are famous on the most popular social networks, and that is precisely what we want to talk to you about.

In this article, we’ve listed Instagram profiles about the most famous dogs.

Instagram profiles about dogs

There are so many pets on this social network that it would be difficult to list them all. In this way, we select those with the most followers and who demonstrate a special ability or an original physical appearance. These are:

Brego and Nami

These two adorable ​​de Weimar arms are mother and daughter and have managed to reach the figure of 105,000 followers.

Also, they have a friend, Jedi, a child of a few months who takes really cute pictures with them. So with this union we have a lovely family. If you want to see them on Instagram, look for @frametheweim.

Brego, Nami and Jedi

Macareno Mateo

This is the dog of singer Abraham Mateo. In fact, maybe this has influenced a little for this carlino to have more than 100,000 followers. However, in fact, watching him eat pizza is hilarious.

profiles dogs on instagram

He won an award for best pet in a well-known magazine and even works for an agency. In other words, it is a very talented animal!

If you want to see his Instagram profile, look for @macarenomateopug.


He is an adorable French Bulldog who lives in Canada and is known for delighting the world of photography.

So taking a picture of him by surprise is impossible, as he seems to be able to sniff out a camera from afar, something he loves!

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He immediately does his best pose and looks adorable in each of your photos. To see him on the social network, he has a profile named Lil-Theezy.


This profile is about the life and routine of Corgnelius and Stumphrey, two Corgi dogs who like to pose for cameras.

And besides, they like to dress up in funny clothes and do different poses to take the most original photo.

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Corgnelius is the name of his Instagram profile, which we assure you is worth following as he is so funny and cute.


It’s amazing what social media can do. Buma is a beautiful Weimaraner who, thanks to her personality, her beauty and her fame on social media, has already managed to have her paintings on display at the Museum of Seoul.

Buma dog taking a picture

No, we are not talking about pictures of her, but pictures she takes on her own! She likes to stand in front of a camera and shoot. Who would say! Your profile: @danidlm.


Of the Instagram profiles about dogs, this is one of which the dog is not a breed. Your skill? She’s nice  and expert at stealing socks.

She loves socks, we don’t know why and you can’t help it. What’s more, what she shows on her Instagram profile, Blog da Uma, is that she’s willing to do anything to get them.

Puppy One

Her roguish eyes say it all and when you see her in action, you won’t be able to stop laughing. No wonder he has over seven thousand followers.


Who said that to be successful in networks, you have to be beautiful? This is the case with Digby, who isn’t very cute, but he looks so funny that you can’t stop looking at him.

So let’s say he’s a more comical than a photogenic dog. He loves to dress up and have fun with the photos.

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His breed is the Brussels griffon and to see him on Instagram, look for the name Digbyvanwikle.


They say that dogs resemble their owners, and Sergi Roberto’s mascot, the Barça player, is not only cute, but also plays football.

That is, like father, like son. He is only a year and a half old and has over 50,000 followers. Look for it as @balooitsme.

puppy with ball

These are some of the most famous Instagram profiles on dogs. Did you know any?

Images Source | @Instagram

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