Is It Possible To Do An Ultrasound In A Bitch?

Is it possible to do an ultrasound in a bitch?

Your dog is pregnant. It’s not something you expected, but now you’re happy with it. You have already started to take care of her in a special way, as she deserves. You are willing to do whatever it takes to make the process a success. As the months go by, you start to wonder how many puppies she’s expecting and if everything is okay. However, is it possible to do an ultrasound in a bitch?

What is an ultrasound?


Ultrasonography, also called ultrasound or, more commonly, ultrasound, is a diagnostic procedure performed using ultrasound and capable of creating two- and three-dimensional images. In this way, you can see the inside of the body. It could be the muscles or, in this case, the unborn fetuses.

Ultrasound generates sound waves that go into the body, which produces an echo when receiving them.

This procedure is simple and poses no danger to either the mother or the fetus. However,  studies show that subjecting the fetus to too many ultrasounds can cause mild damage.

This diagnostic procedure is not just used for fetuses and pregnancies, but also for finding muscle tears or other types of illness.

Ultrasound in canine pregnancy

If you’re trying to get your dog to get pregnant, but you’re still not sure she is, an ultrasound will clear up your doubts. Remember that it must always be performed by an accredited professional.

The first ultrasound can be done, on average, 20 days after intercourse, so it will be possible to know if everything went well. If you wait a few more days, you can be sure the result is positive. For greater visibility, it is recommended that the bitch go with a full bladder. So, calculate how much pee your pet does and make an appointment for a little before that time.

The second ultrasound should be done about 50 to 60 days later. From then on, you will be able to know how many puppies she is expecting and what position they are in. Also, you can see if everyone is still healthy.

However, this exam is not 100% secure. There are some professionals who recommend an x-ray when the pregnancy is about to end. This exam can be a little harmful, so it should only be done if the professional recommends it to ensure the safety of the delivery.

The price of the ultrasound varies from 140 to 220 reais, being a very affordable price for anyone, if you want to know if everything is right with your dog’s pregnancy.

How do I know if my dog ​​is pregnant?

As we said before, an ultrasound can be done about 20 days after the mating, to confirm the expected result, that is, a pregnancy. However, if you are unable to take this exam for financial reasons, there are some symptoms that may indicate that your dog is pregnant and that you will become a grandmother!


  • Appetite. When the dog is pregnant, her appetite decreases, she eats little and in small amounts. The vet will give you a final answer.
  • Swollen Tits. If you notice some changes in your dog’s body, such as swollen breasts, it may be a more obvious sign that she is pregnant.
  • Attitude change. If your puppy was quite fussy, playful, and mischievous, but now looks tired and drained, it may very likely be that she is pregnant.
  • Belly size. This is a characteristic that can be observed without difficulty, if the belly is growing gradually, it is a sign that something is developing inside it.
  • If your bitch makes a “nest”. When a bitch becomes pregnant, she starts looking for a perfect place to have her babies from an early age. Therefore, it is possible that she scratches the floor in some places, blankets and even her bed, in order to make them fluffy and comfortable for her puppies.

    Whether observing your dog or performing an ultrasound on her, you will be able to know if she is pregnant and how the pregnancy is going. Remember that a pregnant dog requires some special care that cannot be forgotten.

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