Labrador Retriever: The Canine Nobility

Labrador Retriever: the canine nobility

The Labrador Retriever breed is one of the most popular in the world. The cream-colored dogs are particularly well known thanks to advertisements for the Scottex toilet paper brand, by the American transnational company Kimberly-Clark.

But besides knowing that he can be cream colored, that he is capable of being trained to be a guide dog, and that he likes to play with toilet paper, what else do we know about the Labrador Retriever?

What is the origin of the Labrador Retriever?

Origem do Labrador

The Labrador Retriever is a dog originating from Newfoundland, from the province of Newfoundland and Labrador (hence the name), in Canada.

The forerunner of this dog is the Dog of San Juan (“Lesser”, or “Dog of Saint John”), which also originated on this island and emerged through the reproduction made by the first settlers in the region in the 16th century, from breeds that the English, Irish and Portuguese took to Canada. The English name of the region is Newfoundland.

The Dog of San Juan had two varieties: the Terranova Superior and the Terranova Minor.

The Upper Terranova was heavier, larger and with a longer coat, while the Lesser Terranova, as the name implies, was smaller in size, lighter but more active, and had a shorter, smoother coat.

The Terranova Minor soon gave way to the Labrador Retriever. These dogs (the Terranova Menor) were used by fishermen to help them carry the lines between the boats and to retrieve and remove fishing nets from the water.

Since dogs liked the water and worked hard, as well as being very loyal, this made them very useful companions for fishermen.

In the late 18th century, the Earl of Malmesbury took San Juan’s water dogs to his mansion in England.

This played a decisive role in establishing the modern Labrador on English soil. The breed was officially recognized as a Labrador Retriever in 1903.

What does the Labrador Retriever look like?

Aparência do Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever is a large dog. Males can measure up to 57 cm and females a little less, 56 cm.

The weight of males can reach 36.4kg and in females it can reach 31.7kg. The dog has a strong build, a broad skull, and a powerful muzzle with a scissor bite, but not sharp (meaning that the inside of the maxillary incisors is in contact with the outside of the maxillary incisors).

Their eyes are medium sized brown or hazel in color and have a powerful neck. The loin is broad, short and strong, with broad, deep fur and ribs, and a short renal region.

The tail is one of the most characteristic features of this breed, thick at the base and thin at the tip.

It is medium in size and without flakes, but should be completely covered with short, thick, dense fur. Its coat is short and dense, with no undulations or flakes and it feels hard to the touch.

It has a water-resistant undercoat of fur, which means it can stay in it for long periods of time. It can be black, cream or chocolate in color, although you can find a small white spot on the chest.

What temperament is the Labrador Retriever?

The Labrador Retriever is a gentle, sociable and docile dog, which makes it an excellent family pet.

Therefore, it has a good reputation with children of all ages and with other animals, as well as being a help dog for the elderly, which can be trained to pick up things that have been thrown, turn off lights, bring objects… So, it is also a excellent guide dog.

As it is extremely sociable, it is not suitable for a guard dog as it will not attack, although it may bark. Hectic in nature, he needs constant exercise so he doesn’t get bored, and he needs training from an early age or else he will become uncontrollable.

It is recommended that training with a collar is carried out from the beginning, so that he gets used to it and avoid rebelling when he is older and decide to pull it off.

In addition, these dogs can carry objects in their mouths with great delicacy, which is known among hunters as a soft mouth. A well-trained Labrador can carry an egg in his mouth without breaking it, so they are ideal for transporting things.

They respond very well to all types of training and training. That is why it is possible to train them as part of anti-drug and anti-explosive brigades, search and rescue dogs.

How is the Labrador Retriever’s health?

The Labrador Retriever can live for 10 to 12 years and is a relatively healthy breed, although, like all large skeletal puppies, they  are prone to hip dysplasia and knee problems such as kneecap dislocation.

In addition, they may have vision problems (progressive retinal atrophy, cataracts, corneal dystrophy and retinal dysplasia) and hereditary myopathy (muscle fiber deficiency).

Some Labradors may develop a syndrome known as exercise-induced collapse, which causes hyperthermia, weakness, collapse, and disorientation after short periods of exercise.

They may also have autoimmune deficiencies and deafness. This breed, in addition to all this, has a voracious appetite and therefore  has a tendency to be overweight, which makes them need to follow a controlled diet.

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