Learn About The Main Causes Of Lethargy In Dogs

Sleeping more than 15 hours of sleep during developmental or old age is within the normal range for dogs.
Know the main causes of lethargy in dogs

Lethargy in dogs is a very common symptom, given the large number of factors that can cause it. Observing its frequency, the presence of possible associated illnesses, or whether there has been a drastic change in the environment can help to understand the source of the discomfort.

Lethargy is a state of drowsiness or deep tiredness  caused by pathologies, seasonal changes or other changes in the environment. This apathetic behavior can also be due to the animal’s own laziness, a situation that shouldn’t last more than a few days.

However, when your dog’s drowsiness affects your daily outings, your appetite, and your level of joy, you should seek professional help.

Main causes of lethargy in dogs

Among the most common pathological causes of lethargy in dogs are:

  • Infections including parvovirus, distemper, kennel cough and leptospirosis.
  • Metabolic disorders, heart disease, liver disease, diabetes and hypoglycemia.
  • Anemia.
  • The presence of intestinal parasites.
  • Poisoning by ingestion of toxic substances or in poor condition.
  •  Pain due to injury or illness.

Dog with Elizabethan collar

To determine if the lethargy is due to an underlying illness, a range of symptoms such as vomiting, crying, diarrhea, etc. , should be noted. Informing the veterinarian of any unusual events will help with the overall assessment of the dog.

Other possible reasons for lethargy in dogs are traumatic experiences, such as an owner’s illness or change of address. Stress, fear, and worry can encourage apathetic attitudes in the animal, so that it forgoes usual pleasures such as going out and eating.

Also, this drowsy state can occur due to an adverse reaction to an antiparasitic drug or treatment. The latter, especially the topical ones, usually have formulations with very aggressive odors that can leave the animal dizzy.

Therefore, it is appropriate to take into account the size of the dog and administer the appropriate dose and at the recommended frequency.

How to deal with lack of physical activity

Once the cause of fatigue is diagnosed, the veterinarian will prescribe the relevant medication or protocol. In cases of stress, if the animal does not adapt to the new situation, it may be necessary to look for a trainer or ethologist capable of redirecting the depressive behavior.

dog trainer

Until the animal returns to its usual mood, with an adequate level of exercise and dynamism, its feeding must be monitored to avoid excess weight. However, periods of lethargy in dogs are often accompanied by a lack of appetite. Therefore, being overweight should not be the main concern.

To determine the actual existence of lethargy, it is helpful to be aware of the recommended rest requirement for pets. An average of 10 hours of sleep a day is within the normal range. That is, this means that the probability of finding the sleeping dog is approximately 50% throughout the day.

In this context, it is important to check if the animal’s night rest is being adequate. It is also important to consider the pet’s age as well. Puppies, in addition to spending more time eating, should also sleep more.

So, if during the first few months the animals get 15 or 20 hours of sleep, there is no reason to worry. Likewise, dogs, as they age, have more illnesses due to wear and tear on their own bodies. Therefore, the demand for more rest time is completely normal.


Lethargy in dogs, as in people, is the body’s natural response to situations of stress or change. However, when it goes beyond normal, an assessment will be needed to help your pet regain a normal mood and activity level.

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