Learn All About Chihuahuas

Learn all about Chihuahuas

The Chihuahua is one of those breeds that you either love or hate. However, few people can resist its charms and avoid opening a smile when they see one on the street. Today we are going to tell you more about this breed, both physically and internally. You are sure to fall in love with Chihuahuas!

Origin of Chihuahuas

Although the subject of the origin of this breed is not very well defined , everything seems to indicate that they come from Mexico and that their predecessors are the Techichi, dogs bred by Mexican indigenous people hundreds of years ago. Did you know that there is a state called Chihuahua in Mexico?

Well, around the 20th century, the inhabitants of a people belonging to this state began to sell these dogs that, in fact, came from a mixture of Techichi, and sold them as if they were the oldest representation of these dogs with Aztec traits.

This seemed to appeal to American travelers, who soon began calling them Chihuahuas because of their provenance.


Chihuahua dog-tail-movements

The best known feature of these friendly dogs is undoubtedly their size. They are small but muscular and their legs are thin but strong. Its head is round, sometimes extremely large in relation to its body.

They can be found in virtually any color: white, black, chocolate brown, gold…


There are those who believe that Chihuahuas have a difficult personality, but what is certain is that there is nothing further from reality. The Chihuahua is a very affectionate and sociable dog, if the owner educates him to do so.

Your personality will depend on the human family and the environment that surrounds you. Although he can be affectionate, the Chihuahua is known for being stubborn and always doing what he wants. He is very observant and will separate himself from anything he doesn’t like. Being with other Chihuahuas is something he will love.

Special cares

There are many things that are said about Chihuahuas in terms of their care. Ideas like the ones that they have a delicate stomach and some other myths that, little by little, we came to believe.

However, a Chihuahua does not need more care than a normal dog. He likes to run, play and a little outdoors, but he is a dog that adapts very well to the interior of the home. Just be careful not to spoil him too much, as he could become naughty and naughty. Otherwise, just enjoy the company of your chihuahua!

Advice for Buying a Chihuahua

You already know that we are in favor of adoption, but unfortunately the purebred dogs, such as chihuahuas, have turned into a profitable business, so it will be very difficult for you to adopt one, you will have to buy it .

Before buying it, take into account several factors, especially if you buy it over the Internet, something we do not recommend, as love at first sight with your pet comes face to face and not through the computer.

If you purchase online, consider the following:

the chihuahuas tremble

  • Seller’s behavior. Don’t just consider the price, take into account if the seller is willing to follow up, this will give you assurances that the dog is really okay.
  • Visit forums and what they say about this creator.
  • Make sure the place is legal and, therefore, that the puppies have everything necessary and mandatory to be sold.
  • Try to have proof that they don’t have hereditary diseases.
  • Make sure you don’t have your puppy delivered before he’s two months old, as this is how long he should spend with his mother.

If you buy it at a store, these stores usually don’t have legal problems, so the key thing is to see which Chihuahua you are most attracted to. The important thing in this case is imprinting, that is, to be sure that the dog has received a good socialization process with other dogs and people.

This you will notice in your way of acting when you approach, because a dog that does not imprint well will be shy and scared. Don’t think that by seeing him calm he will be a better puppy. A puppy must be friendly, agile and restless, as it is still a baby.

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