Medicines From Humans Can Be Dangerous To Dogs

Medicines from humans can be dangerous for dogs

When we have a dog, one of the big questions we think about is whether our pet can take medications that are often prescribed for humans. The answer is yes, as there are medications for human use that dogs can use on a regular basis.

But you have to be very careful because there are also some drugs that can be toxic. This is why it is always advisable to get specific instructions from your veterinarian on the correct dosage.

My Animals will now discuss the use of human medications in dogs.

Data to consider

cuidado com os medicamentos de humanos em cães

If your dog is sniffing and tracing every square inch of your home’s floor looking for things to put in his mouth, you should take certain precautions.

Pets are by nature curious and yours, like the vast majority, is probably also taking any item to taste in his mouth.

That’s why you must be alert and must do everything in your power to prevent him from coming into contact with dangerous substances.

Small dogs are more likely to suffer problems than large dogs if they ingest human medication.

A pain reliever such as naproxen is toxic to dogs. The same goes for medications that are commonly prescribed for coughs, colds or sinusitis. These drugs can have a dramatic effect on a dog’s heart.

Some vitamins that are generally prescribed for humans can also be toxic to pets, particularly fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, and E.

Your pet is unable to handle the same doses of medication designated for an adult human being.

He is also a biological creature, but different from you. This means that your pet’s body does not process what is ingested the way you do.

As a general rule of thumb, it’s never a good idea – assuming you’re taking medication for pain, itchiness or an upset stomach – to give a pet with the same symptoms the same medication.

Suitable medications for your dog

atenção aos medicamentos adequados ao seu cão

There are two types of medications that have been created for people and have proved very useful for pets, these are antidepressants and anticancer drugs.

Certain antidepressants can be effective in relieving emotional disturbances or certain behaviors such as separation anxiety and aggression.

On the other hand, there are some types of chemotherapy for dogs with cancer, mainly new ones, which are being used in veterinary medicine for certain types of cancer in remission, or more commonly to expand the quantity and quality of life of animals diagnosed with cancer. .

Toxic drugs for your dog

Pain relievers like acetaminophen, anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, some well-known brand names like Advil, Motrin, Nuprin, Aleve and Tylenol can be harmful to dogs.

Cough, colds, or sinus medications that contain pseudoephedrine, which is a decongestant, can further damage your pet’s health.

Watch out for brands like Sudafed, Advil Cold & Sinus, Tylenol Cold, Theraflu, Nyquil and many others.

Some antidepressants and medications to treat attention deficit symptoms and medications to treat diabetes are also dangerous. The same goes for vitamin D derivatives such as calcitriol (Rocaltrol, Calcijex) and calcipotriene (Dovonex).

Pay attention to muscle relaxants. Baclofen is one of the most harmful drugs for your pet’s health.

Other drugs such as topical fluorouracil prescribed to treat minor skin cancers tend to be lethal. A small amount of the drug can kill your pet.

It is so harmful that it is recommended that owners who use this medicine do not touch their animals, to avoid any type of poisoning. Medicines prescribed for tuberculosis, such as isoniazid, in animals can also cause the same problems.

If you suspect your pet has taken any of these medications, or has been in contact with them, don’t panic. Quick help is very important.

Quickly go to your dog’s veterinarian and try to stay calm, as panic often tends to interfere with the process of helping your pet.

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