Meet Nirvana, The Sailor Dog

Meet nirvana, the sea dog

A Spaniard made the decision to leave his boring life behind and travel the world in a kayak. On his way he met a furry abandoned and turned her into his faithful traveling companion. Meet nirvana, the sea dog.

The story of the marine dog

Tired of his routine and the chores of his working life, Sergi Basoli decided, in 2013, to break with his previous life as an engineer in Barcelona and undertake a dream that was already overdue.

This dream was to take a long journey in a Kayak along the shores of the Mediterranean. However, as in any adventure, there are always unforeseen events and surprises, but he never thought that the surprise would be finding the best travel companion.

Then something happened in the streets of Alghero, Sicily. It was there that this intrepid traveler found the one who later became his most faithful and loyal companion in all his travels.

This furry abandoned, Nirvana, had some seasickness at first, but little by little she got used to her routine in a kayak, until she became a luxury passenger. She turned into a real sailor dog.

All on one webpage

Thanks to the advantages of technology and the Internet, Sergi has a website where he shows internet users the landscapes he discovers.

One of the principles of this traveler is not to pay for sleeping. Its intention is not so much of a financial nature, but rather a formula for living different experiences.

With his way of thinking, he met many hospitable and kind people.

Sergi travels calmly, so that he can continually enjoy what he sees, with stops anywhere.

In order to obtain some basic earnings, the owner and the dog sell handmade products made with natural elements taken from the beaches and which he usually makes at night. With the arrival of the day… he follows his adventure.

The daily route of the marine dog


Source: Sergibasoli’s Instagram

The way to travel is simple, calm and the purpose is to be able to fully enjoy the trip. You advance between 10 and 30 km a day, 4 hours. In winter, trips are shorter, different.

So, after three years and more than 5,000 kilometers traveled along the shores of the Mediterranean, Sergi says that his dream will continue, especially if he can follow along with Nirvana.

Since he was little, he dreamed of being Indiana Jones or some kind of pirate, and now, at this stage of his life, he most enjoys what nature and the kindness of the people he meets offer him.

Browse with a pet

During navigation, it is important to try to avoid health problems for our dogs and cats.

If our friend gets very nervous during the trips and if, in addition, he gets seasick, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian so that he can prescribe a medicine to prevent the animal from vomiting and feeling unwell.

Ideally, our pet travels in a transport box, where, in addition, it takes its favorite toys and objects, things to bite, food balls, etc.

It is convenient for the dog to fast a few hours before the trip. However, he should be well hydrated, so he should drink water before and during his crossing on a ship, especially if it is summer.

The identification

We have to ensure that the pet is well identified and fully up to date with its sanitary and administrative obligations. If he’s identified and gets lost, the odds that they’ll find him enormously increase.

The recorded data associated with the microchip must be up-to-date and should also include, if possible, an easy-to-contact mobile phone number.

the travel bag

Our dog’s travel bag must contain:

  • Your towel, shampoo, brush, and parasite spray.
  • The collar and the strap for walking, also the muzzle, especially if it is an animal considered as “potentially dangerous” or if by chance it is required in some place or means of transport.
  • It is more convenient to take dry food or feed. If we use canned food, we will have to throw away what is left over if we don’t have a refrigerator.
  • We always have to have a bottle of fresh water on hand to quench our friend’s thirst on the way. Never very cold or icy water, as this can cause serious damage to our hairy’s stomach.

Images source: sergibasoli’s Instagram

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