Mistreatment: Man Has Made The Earth A Hell For Animals

Mistreatment: man made the Earth a hell for animals

The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) once said that “man has made the earth a hell for animals.”

It is that, since time immemorial, cruelty in various forms exercised by humans against other living beings has reached and reaches flights that are sometimes very difficult to understand and bear for those people who love and respect all the creatures that populate the planet.

an old hell

The brutality towards animals manifested itself and still manifests itself in several ways. In antiquity there are terrible stories of how animals were used to attack and kill, including human beings considered to be enemies.

The use of dogs in the different wars led by man reached almost intolerable limits with the use of bomb dogs. These dogs were fed in tanks and then deprived of food for several days.

When entering combat, soldiers loaded them with explosives that were detonated when they innocently approached enemy army tanks in search of food. It hasn’t been that long since that happened. We are talking about concrete facts that took place during World War II.

Atrocious shows


The use of animals in different shows, both legal and illegal, is a controversial issue. Although some rely on cultural and tradition issues, it is difficult to sustain that anyone can run into a bullring and find it amusing that a poor bull, in inferior conditions, suffers the worst abuse before being killed by his cowardly tormentor..

And what about circuses. Although the use of animals in this type of exhibitions has been increasingly prohibited, we must not forget the terrible punishments suffered by different creatures removed from their natural habitat and who are forced to take tests and juggle for the enjoyment of humans, who pay a entry and applaud these “feats”.

In the illegal field and clandestine gambling, cockfights and dogfights remain two of the manifestations of the most monstrous things that can hide the human soul.

experiencing the horror

Although some, as justification, can rely on the great advances of humanity, in the field of curing various diseases, one still has the courage to introduce a deadly virus to an innocent creature.

Even worse is when these experiments are carried out in cosmetic laboratories. In order for people to have fewer wrinkles or perfect hair, thousands of animals have tested these products until the perfect formula was obtained. Imagine the “in the meantime”.

Nor is there anything to say about those who considered it a step forward to send dogs and monkeys into space and not bring them back.

Mistreatment: the human as the creator of hell for the animals

And so we could extend to infinity. Here we will leave you just a list of other ways that man has found for life on this planet to become hell for animals, leading them in many cases to extinction.

  • Destruction of natural habitats
  • Traffic in exotic species
  • Hunting indiscriminately or as a sport
  • Domestic and stray dog ​​abuse
  • Unsustainable living conditions in different types of breeding sites
  • Cruel killings in search of skins, meat, prey or in slaughterhouses
  • Exploitation as transport and cargo “beasts”
  • incarceration in zoos

Teach about love and respect for all living beings

dog child

Exaggerating the details can be unbearable. But for those who wish, the internet is generous in showing images and videos to raise awareness about the mistreatment of animals.

In the meantime, let us try to prevent children from growing up in an environment where the different forms of cruelty and mistreatment of these creatures are accepted or naturalized  and which, for this reason, may even reproduce similar behaviors at some point.

Making children aware of the different types of abuse that animals can suffer, and contributing to the fulfillment of animal rights, can be an arduous task. But that should not be abandoned.

Image courtesy of Tony.

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