My Dog, The Best Travel Companion

My dog, the best travel companion

Our dog can be the best travel companion we can ever have. Although we may have to adapt to your needs, it will still always be a good experience to share with our pet the adventure of traveling on our vacation.

The first times we choose our dog as a travel companion  , 2 very different things may happen: 

  • The animal integrates well into travel, enjoys and likes it;
  • In the other case, our partner may feel sick, feel stress and anxiety or be very annoyed, and it will make us uncomfortable as well. If this is what happens, it is best to remain calm. There are solutions, going through the list of medications that the veterinarian can prescribe.

Before the day of the trip, we can start doing “trials”, so that the animal can get used to it. From time to time, we can pick up the dog and put him in the carrier. Or we put it in the car and leave it there for a while. Obviously with all safety precautions and conditions.

It is certain that our pet will adapt to the environment, and when the car circulates, it will be integrated, at least the interior of the vehicle will be familiar.

Our traveling companion will get used to it…

dog riding a car

If we get used to simply being in the car with the engine off, the beginning of the trip may be less stressful. Soon, we will be able to get the dog used to the noise of the engine running and, little by little, to the movement. In the beginning it may be very short trips, where we will observe your reaction.

A good technique is to let him play during these short trips with his favorite toy. In this way, the dog will associate traveling and the movement of the car with a positive stimulus, and learning will be easier. Every time the animal gets in the car, he will know that he will have a pleasant and fun time, doing what he likes, and that is very important.

food, water, toys

On the day of the trip, it is very important that we take a good supply of water, food and some snacks to make the journey more bearable.

Also, it will be essential to take a walk with him before getting into the car so that he can stretch his legs, oxygenate and do his needs. Avoid feeding him 2 hours before the trip, this will reduce the risk of seasickness and its effects inside the vehicle.

If we transport the dog in a transport crate, he will have to feel that the crate is not his prison. Do not push the dog into it, the ideal is that he enters alone. Once he’s inside and settled, then we can close it. For the dog to relax, we can use some aromatic oil. We can rub it in our hands and give it a good massage.

Beginning the journey!

Once you start the route, music will help a lot. Radio stations, recorded music and even singing. This will make the dog relax; dogs love music and enjoy it.

Among the factors that must be considered during the trip is preventing the animal from sticking its head out of the window. Although he can see the landscape and get distracted by it, the reality is very different and our pet may have an accident, in addition to having conjunctivitis and other associated risks. The windows can be lowered halfway so he can’t stick his head out.

Continuous hydration is very important, give your furry friend something liquid from time to time as the trip progresses.

In addition, it is necessary to make stops every 2 hours of the trip, so that the dog can get out and stretch its paws. If we have to get out of the vehicle, we should try to get the animal to accompany us. Never leave the dog locked in the car, even if it is in the shade. They can get heat stroke.

Hotels and planes

dog on the beach

When we arrive at the destination, we will have to choose a hotel that accepts animals.  There are always hotels that welcome dogs. In addition, we should check when planning the trip if there are good places to walk around the hotel, this will make our stay much easier.

It is also important to check if where we go there are places to buy the food that our pet needs. If not, it’s better to take it from home.

If we travel by plane, the first thing is to contact the airline and check the requirements they require for our pet. Each company is used to having a different protocol, and the sooner we know what it is, the better to avoid last minute surprises. As a general rule, most airlines allow you to travel with the dog, as long as it is in a transport box, and have prepared locations on the planes for that.

You will have to make sure that the transport box does not contain any elements that could harm the dog during the journey. Be very careful with loose collars or straps inside the cage, with which the animal could accidentally strangle itself in them.

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