Our First Year Together…

Our first year together...

Uncertainty, doubts, fear and other feelings accompany us when we adopt a pet for the first time. However, the affection, company and love that he gives us daily make time pass almost without us realizing it. And today, almost without realizing it, we’ve spent our first year together.

Our first year together: challenges

I was in doubt whether or not I would adopt a dog. But when I finally convinced myself to do this and went to get the ideal puppy, I didn’t have to think about it too much. You came running to me and I knew; it was you! Though put like that, as much as I think about it, I don’t really know if I chose you or if it was you who chose me.

Although that doesn’t matter to me, and believe me it doesn’t matter to you, the important thing is that you already spent our first year together. It was not easy, at first, to get to where we are; but we both gave in and did our part. Today, I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world.

I remember when I first brought you home. You turned the whole house into your territory, every corner! I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. I thought our coexistence was going to be impossible. Maybe I’d been alone too long and it made me a little selfish with my stuff. Now I should learn to share them with you.

I had no other remedy, I didn’t have any other option: I had to share my home, my bed, and I do it with great pleasure.

Teaching him to do his needs on the patio or at home was not easy… But together we managed it. Finally, I feel that the house is fragrant! And I know you like to see it clean and smelling good too.

Going out into the street, that wasn’t an easy task either. He spoke to you with affection, and although at first I didn’t pay attention, he soon understood that you should walk with me, pay attention if I call you and don’t pull the collar so as not to hurt your neck. Patience and love bore fruit.

And today, after our first year together, I look at you, lying on the bed in peace, calm and relaxed, and I realize that all the effort was worth it.

Our first year together: joys

And not only was it worth it because we learned to live together, but because it gave me, gives me and will continue to give me a lot of joy. It wasn’t just challenges we had, but also good times.

You were so little when you got home that drinking from your bowl was hard for you. I couldn’t reach with your little head, running out of water, and when you tried to knock it down with your paw, I threw it on top of you. I was sorry; but at the time it was so funny!

When I came home from work and you were there, behind the door, crying and scratching because you wanted to see me… You made me feel so good! I was looking forward to finishing my workday to come and see you at home. Knowing you felt the same made me feel wanted, made me feel wanted.

I never again watched television alone sitting on the couch, I love it when you come to get your little place. I love it when you feel sad when I leave because it’s not what you want, and I love it when you come to sleep next to me or push my hand with your little head so that I caress you.

Today, after our first year together, I can say that adopting you was the best decision of my life, that it was difficult for us to adapt, but that we got it.

And there is nothing more to say, except that we still have many years to live, new challenges to face, and new joys to discover. And, you know what else? That I could not have chosen a better companion for this; thanks for choosing me!

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