Parakeet Feeding: Learn More About

The feeding of these small birds is and must be very varied. There are a number of foods that we can offer if we adopt some basic principles to improve the animal’s health.
Parakeet feeding: learn more about

Many people believe that the parakeet’s food only consists of birdseed and seeds. Of course, these foods can’t be missing from your diet, but they represent only a quarter of the nutrients you need.

Parakeet Feeding: Fruits

In addition to birdseed and seeds , parakeets love fruit. In nature, fruits are the easiest foods to be obtained in tropical landscapes.

The list of fruits suitable for this animal is extensive:  strawberry, apple, cherry, tangerine, orange, banana, grape, etc. There are many fruits that we can add to the parakeet’s food. Your parakeet’s health will thank you.

Parakeets and their food

It is suggested not to abuse citrus fruits. Moreover, it is essential to wash the fruit well, not boil it and chop it into small pieces so that the animal can eat more easily.

Vegetables: lettuce and many others

Probably the best vegetable that we can use to feed the parakeet is lettuce. Its high water content is very beneficial for the animal. It is important to wash the product very well and drain it after washing.

Other very healthy vegetables for the parakeet are: broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini, spinach and carrots. Likewise; it is important to cut them into small pieces and place them in a food dispenser .

Another good option: the beans

Fruits and vegetables are not the only natural products that complement the parakeet’s diet. There is a wide variety of grains that we can cook to give these pets.

Rice, chopped wheat, quinoa and barley are highly recommended for this species. It is necessary that the beans are served submerged in water; but in a shallow dish, to avoid drowning.

When dipped in water,  the grains swell, but they also become gentler on the birds’ digestive tract. In summary: the parakeet’s food must be fresh, moisturizing and; above all, varied.

vital food supplements

There are some products sold in candy form in pet stores. For example, fruit bars, vitamins and honey. The parakeet will love to try these foods.

Other very important food supplements are sepia and mineral blocks. The first consists of a shell made up of calcium carbonate and acts as a dietary supplement; ideal for all types of birds.

In addition, mineral blocks are food supplements made up of vitamins; calcium, zinc oxide and other nutritional compounds. All these products are intended to complement the nutrition of parakeets.

The  one  parakeet  should not eat

There are fruits, vegetables and other foods that these poultry should not eat. The most harmful are the following: onions, fruit seeds, avocados, mushrooms, tomato stalks, grapefruit and lemon.

Branches such as parsley are also not recommended. Some of these foods have high levels of toxicity for the body of parakeets.

Obviously; chocolate, sugars and artificial colors are completely prohibited.

It is noteworthy that not all highlighted products have the same effect or level of toxicity. Even so; it is recommended to avoid all.

Learn how to properly feed a parakeet

How the food should be served to the parakeet

It is essential that the food dispenser is always filled with fresh food and ready to be shredded .

Sometimes these little birds eat at different times; so there must always be food available for them.

Remember that a parakeet that goes more than 24 hours without feeding runs serious health risks.

However, in the case of fruits and vegetables, it is recommended to replace them with a certain frequency. After a few hours they can start to decompose; generating dangerous effects for the delicate organism of the parakeet.

The keyword is surveillance. Furthermore, we cannot allow the bird to suffer from obesity. This causes him to lose physical shape and creates health problems.

Therefore, it is necessary for the owner to have full control of the parakeet’s feeding.

Finally, it is important to always check the state of the parakeet’s feces. If they are very watery or in the form of diarrhea; the ideal is to cut down on hydrated foods.

Basically, we will be our parakeets’ particular nutritionists throughout their lives.


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