Podengo Dogs History: How Many Types Are There?

The variations of the podengo dogs change from place to place; however, this peculiar breed distinguishes itself from its canine relatives by its endurance, agility for hunting and its very keen senses.
History of Podengo Dogs: How Many Types Are There?

Podengo dogs comprise a type of hunting breed known as one of the oldest. There are Roman coins dating back to the 5th century BC on which images of these dogs appear. However, it is believed that Podengo dogs could have existed long before these dates.

We are aware of old paintings depicting stylized dogs with long snouts and very erect ears, which perfectly resemble the podengo we know today.

Some dog experts say their appearance is slightly similar to the image of the Egyptian god Anubis. This makes them believe that the breed of podengo dogs could have been transferred on boats by the Phoenicians a few millennia ago.

Characteristics of Podengo Dogs

Their abilities to track and hunt them have made them ideal companions for many people who are dedicated to this sport. The Podengo has innate abilities to capture small mammals, such as hares, and excel in terrain that can be difficult for other dogs.

They also have a tenacious and enviable endurance to follow tracks : one of their best-known features is the heightened development of their senses.

How many types of Podengo dogs are there?

These beautiful specimens have a natural elegance and some of their followers rank them as the most sublime race in the animal world. It is estimated that he was raised in rural environments without being able to mix with podengo dogs from other countries, but with dogs of other breeds, and that was what made possible the occurrence of the various types that exist today.

However, all specimens that fit the characteristics of hunting dogs share certain characteristics with each other. Firm musculature, slender posture, erect ears, and thin muzzle are some of the genetic coincidences that still remain.

How many types of Podengo dogs are there?

Depending on the size of your legs and the color of your coat, an expert can distinguish the type of hunting dog you are looking at. Next, let’s talk about the most popular ones:

Andalusian Podengo

It has its origins in southern Spain and the lineage is believed to have evolved from its Phoenician ancestors brought over from the Mediterranean. This lineage is subdivided, in turn, according to size and coat, and small, medium and large Andalusian Podengos can be identified.

In addition, from the Andalusian breed came the one-armed Podengo, with slightly shorter legs, and the Campanero, of imposing size and with strong white fur.

Podengo Ibicenco

This is one of the most recognized and sought after breeds of dog by hunting lovers. They stand out for their agility and intelligence, and the sense of sight is their best weapon: this specimen can follow prey on almost any terrain. Some describe their ears as a pair of antennas from which nothing escapes.

Canary Power

It is believed that this type of Podengo was taken to Gran Canaria and Tenerife by the Phoenicians, like their Andalusian cousin. However, there are versions that support the possibility that its transfer to the referred area is due to the Carthaginian and Greek civilizations.

This breed has a slightly longer coat than the others mentioned above and is generally brown or reddish in color. It is a medium sized dog that excels in big hunts.

Portuguese Podengo

As its name implies, this lineage reached the north of Portugal. It is said that it is a mixture of several breeds and that, for that reason, it can be found in various sizes.

Their skills are evident in hunting, but there is a concern that in the future they may disappear, because each day fewer examples of this beautiful canine are created.

Other Characteristics of Podengo Dogs

The hunting instinct of this breed is very strong, which is why they are not recommended as companion dogs. However, they are very loyal and affectionate. They love to run and tend to get obsessed with following a trail or trail for no apparent reason.

Their intelligence is revealed at the time of training, although they are easily distracted, so it is advisable for them to be trained by someone experienced. They are also very social pets, and although they are restless, they tend to take long, deep naps during the day.

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