Puppies Are Like Children, They Love To Have Fun!

Puppies are like children, they love to have fun!

There is no doubt that puppies are like children. And it’s a pleasure to see them play and have fun, expending all the great energy they have.

However, just as with children, we have to take the necessary precautions so that they don’t get hurt while running, jumping or rolling on the floor. It’s critical to start putting limits on what they can and can’t do.

Toys for your puppy

puppies playing

Like our children, puppies also love toys. That’s why we tend to fill them with these accessories that are available, in droves, at pet stores. You may want to consult a veterinarian about the best toy options for a puppy.

Also, you can make toys yourself for your little furry friend.

Anyway, when buying or making toys for your puppy, pay attention to the following:

  • That the material is non-toxic;
  • That they don’t break easily;
  • That they are the right size so that the puppies cannot swallow them.

the age of damage

The truth is,  your puppy will want to bite any object that gets in its way.

Also, this behavior will increase even more when he enters his teething step.

It is the time when, if the proper precautions are not taken, you will start to see severely damaged, among other objects:

  • Shoes;
  • Clothes;
  • Cushions;
  • Carpets;
  • Furniture legs.

So this is also a good time to teach your puppy what he can bite and what he can’t.

How to raise your playful puppy

Although the puppy’s education should start when he arrives at your home, it is good to point out the limits in front of concrete examples.

Just like when he needs out of place and you must indicate the correct place with a sheet of newspaper soaked in your urine, when a puppy chews on a shoe you must take it out of its mouth and give it one of your toys in place of shoes. .

Remember to always use positive reinforcement for education. When your pet bites your toy instead of something in the house, reward and praise him for his good behavior.

At playtime, puppies are like children

For a puppy, his new home is a world to discover. Guided by their curiosity and their powerful sense of smell, they examine every place and every corner they can access.

For this reason, you should further increase your care so that your little one does not get hurt during his exploratory adventures. Then:

  • Prevent electrical cables from being exposed. They are a temptation for dogs to bite them.
  • Cover the outlets. If the dog licks them, he may experience an electrical discharge. 
  • Try to keep them from reaching the blind cords so they don’t get tangled up in them.
  • Make sure the shelves are securely fastened to the walls to avoid the risk of them falling on your puppy.
  • Keep cabinets containing cleaning products or medications tightly closed.
  • Make sure your dog doesn’t have access to needles, jewelry boxes or different small items that he could swallow.

Other tips for your puppy to have fun without taking risks

puppy playing

If your furry friend is also hanging around your kitchen, move the wastebasket out of reach. This way you’ll avoid your furry little one to fuse dangerous elements. For example:

  • decaying food;
  • Bones;
  • Aluminum paper;
  • Plastics.

Also, pay attention to the following details:

  • Do not cook in his presence. He may suffer burns;
  • Remove the tablecloth after eating. Probably, at some point, he will pull it and drop everything on top;
  • Put security screens on fireplaces, stoves and heaters;
  • Install railings at the entrance to the stairs until he is ready to go up (or down);
  • Make sure your pots, yard, or garden do not have plants that are poisonous to pets.

a happy little dog

Considering different safety details, you will make your home a place where your dog can play and have fun at ease, without taking avoidable risks.

Give him all the attention he deserves and stimulate him with different games and games, and enjoy this wonderful stage in the dogs’ life.

And, since we know that puppies are like children, don’t forget to put the necessary limits in time. This will have to be done with a lot of love and a lot of patience. How you do it or how you would your children.

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