Step By Step Pregnancy In A Bitch

Step by step pregnancy of a bitch

There are many ways in which we humans are similar to dogs, but the gestation period of dogs is very different.  This wasn’t something I had thought of before, but it’s interesting to have more information about our four-legged friends. How about diving with us in this world of curiosities from the period of a bitch’s pregnancy?

Be it an animal or a person, pregnancy is one of the most beautiful things that exists, it is the materialization of the miracle of life. That’s why, whether human or canine, it’s always a pleasure to talk about pregnancy, because it’s still amazing.

The gestation period of a bitch

echography of a bitch

The pregnancy period of a female dog lasts approximately 65 days, with a small margin of error. Let’s see what its phases are.

From the first to the third week of a dog’s pregnancy

1, 2, 3 and… run! All competitors run and reach their maximum speed, but only one can survive and reach the finish line. The moment this happens, when the sperm fertilizes the egg, a group of cells begins to divide and unite to form the new body of the offspring. The miracle of life begins and the gestation of a dog, or rather a female dog.

But wait, another competitor reaches the finish… and another one, and another. Unbelievable! The number of offspring will be different for each breed and also for each female in particular. It can reach the colossal mark of 8 children.

At the end of this 3-week period, you will be able to do the first ultrasound, which will be able to identify the different parts of the new little body.

From the fourth to the sixth week of a dog’s pregnancy

This is one of the most important moments in a dog’s gestation, as the most important parts of the animal’s body begin to form: bones, muscles and spinal cord, in addition to all the animal’s vital organs.

That’s why care must be redoubled, increasing visits to the veterinarian, if necessary.

At this time it is also possible to hear the first beats of the heart (around the thirtieth day). Isn’t it wonderful and incredible that, in just 30 days, a heart can beat for the first time?

From the seventh to the ninth week of a dog’s pregnancy

Puppies are practically formed and absorb everything they need from their mother’s placenta. They are already developed and are basically “taking a break” to put on weight and be born strong and healthy. This is the last stage of a dog’s gestation process and will also be the stage where all the details will be finalized,

From an ultrasound, it will be possible to know how many puppies will be born. This happens around the 55th day. This will help at the time of delivery, as, without knowing how many puppies have been conceived, it can happen that one is forgotten inside the uterus, causing complications for both mother and child.

The time has come: the end of a bitch’s pregnancy

Filhotes mamando depois da gravidez de uma cadela
Author: barbievoltios

The long-awaited day has finally arrived and you can’t wait to see your new little friends. He is very willing to help his mother take care of them and keep them under her protection. Well, now it ‘s necessary to prepare everything so that mom has a smooth delivery.

Choose a cozy and very quiet place, where the dog feels comfortable, safe and at peace. We understand that this may be the first time that you and your family have witnessed a birth, but it is recommended that as few people as possible be present around. This will only make the mother nervous and complicate things further.

Once the puppies are out of what has been their home during their brief life, you should place the mother and babies in a box that you have cut out in advance so that the puppies can get in and out with ease.

Do not let anyone be near the puppies, as the mother can become aggressive. Bring them to their mother when they need it and keep an eye out for everyone to eat what they need. If any of the puppies do not eat, you can feed them baby milk through a syringe. Remember that the mother is dependent on you and so are the cubs.

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