Suspicious Dog Education Programs

Educating your pet is not always an easy task, which is why we cannot get carried away by everything we see. 
Suspected Dog Education Programs

Dog education programs are hot on TVs around the world. Under concepts like the alpha male, these programs have become popular when it comes to educating our pets.

Although in dog education programs they usually realize that the techniques shown must be done by a professional, it is dangerous for certain ideas to be inculcated through television.

Recently,  the ethics group of the Spanish veterinary association AVEPA decided to issue a statement and then send it to various television channels that broadcast these types of programs.

Dog Education and Science Programs

In the statement, veterinarians are concerned for several reasons. One of their biggest complaints is the lack of scientific basis on the part of these television programs, which base all their diagnoses on the lack of leadership on the part of the family.

According to these programs, people are part of a “pack” and must be the alpha for the dog.

The truth is that this hierarchical structure is based on wolves, a species in which such a concept is refuted: the leading wolves are not the alphas, they are the parents of the pack.

It makes even less sense to apply the concept of alpha to dogs, as they evolved to shift from pack life to life together with humans.

Such complex animals establish relationships beyond the domain, and this simplistic view lacks a scientific basis.

Owner with her dog watching TV

Canine Education and Wellness Programs

Animal welfare is another issue that concerns veterinarians when it comes to reviewing dog education programs. Since in many cases animals are seen with clear signs of fear and stress.

The application of active punishment does not solve problems well and can even increase these animals’ fear and aggression.

This can even worsen your behavior or even cause new undesirable behaviors to show up.

Dog trainers will always recommend that  we reinforce the behaviors we want the dog has and ignore those who do not want them.

However, on these shows, they almost always choose to punish the behavior, something dogs don’t always understand.

Dog education programs and their consequences

canine obedience

Professionals at the Spanish veterinary association AVEPA also fear that these methodologies could increase the risk of attacking owners. It is of particular concern that this type of program is viewed by minors.

The values ​​that promote this type of dog education programs are based on dominance and aggressiveness.

Although they also contradict the humanization of animals, the truth is that the scientific basis is absent.

While you can watch what you like on TV, remember that the real professionals are veterinarians and behavioral psychologists.

When you have a problem with your pet, the last thing to do is to guide yourself through dog training program gurus.

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